Compilation of statistical information about access to information and privacy submitted by government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
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Detailed results from the Algorithmic Impact Assessment for the ATIP Online Request Service. What is the Algorithmic Impact Assessment? The AIA is a questionnaire designed to...
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This data reference standard provides a standard list of values to categorize data on person(s). The list reflects the classifications of gender and is designed to provide...
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This data reference standard is part of a suite that provides a standard list of values to categorize data on person(s). The list reflects the classifications of sex assigned at...
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This dataset provides statistics on download counts, visitors, as well as the increase of participation of Government of Canada departments and agencies in supplying more open...
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The financial, people management and results data presented in the GC InfoBase are periodically updated as new information becomes available. Due to the nature of varying...
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The data strategy tracker highlights the progress made on the actions identified in the 2023-2026 Federal Data Strategy, a renewal of the 2018 Data Strategy Roadmap for the...
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List of departments and organizations registered on the Open Government Portal. Columns include: uuid title_en: Title in English title_fr: Title in French short_form_en: Short...
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In accordance with the Access to Information Act, the government proactively publishes the package of question period notes that were prepared by a government institution for...
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In accordance with the Access to Information Act, the government proactively publishes titles and reference numbers of memoranda received by ministers and deputy heads. Briefing...
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As part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to experimentation, TBS is supporting an inventory of experiments implemented as part of Government of Canada’s programs and...
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Grants and Contributions: All institutions subject to the Policy on Transfer Payments are required to publish reports on Grants and Contributions within the Government of...
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The rules and principles governing hospitality are outlined in the Policies for Ministers' Offices and in Treasury Board’s Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event...
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The Service Inventory provides a corporate-wide perspective on information related to Government of Canada (GC) services. A visualization of this data can be found on GC...
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In accordance with section 4.1.2 of the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures, departments are required to disclose the total annual...
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In accordance with Appendix B of the Policies for Ministers’ Offices, the government proactively publishes the use of government administrative aircraft. This includes use of...
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The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) offers federal public sector employees and other persons a secure and confidential process for the disclosure of serious...
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This dataset consolidates all the proactive publication of contract reports submitted by federal government entities. Note: The information contained in these Contracts reports...
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Departments subject to the 2017 Directive on Internal Audit are to proactively disclose remuneration and expenses of individual external departmental audit committee members...
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