A listing of Early Childhood Development Support Sites that provide information and resources as well as professional development opportunities for early childhood educators.
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Province wide dataset of all physical locations which have been assigned a civic number by Municipalities and First Nations Communities. Data download also available via...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the roads and railroads theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography and collected in the field with...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the roads and railroads theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography and collected in the field with...
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Nova Scotia Community Clusters for health service planning and research. Includes the following data fields: GIS_UID, GIS_SELECTED, GIS_HIDDEN, GIS_LENGTH, GIS_AREA, Cluster,...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the landforms theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Contours, spot elevations, Cut/fill locations...
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The Nova Scotia Control Monuments (NSCM) dataset is updated and maintained from ongoing observations on survey monuments. The NSCM indicates the locations of physical survey...
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For most recent Ecological Land Classification data, see: https://data.novascotia.ca/d/q6zd-39t3 The Ecological Land Classification (ELC) for Nova Scotia provides a hierarchical...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the landforms theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Contours, spot elevations, Cut/fill locations...
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The NSCAF Community Boundaries dataset includes the boundary for each Nova Scotia civic community. These boundaries were defined in consultation with Nova Scotia municipalities...
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This dataset provides the spatial locations of provincial roads that are not exempt from Spring Weight Restrictions as they are imposed. For the exempt roads please check...
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