This dataset is associated with the article by Marine Pacé, Nicole J. Fenton, David Paré and Yves Bergeron entitled "Differential effects of feather and Sphagnum spp. mosses on...
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This database contains the data set described in Andrieux B. et al. (in preparation) about carbon stocks in Quebec's spruce feathermoss forests. Carbon density in different...
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This collection is a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. The correction matrices for the National Topographic Data Base...
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This database contains the data set described in Andrieux B. et al. (in preparation) about soil organic carbon bioreactivity in Quebec's spruce feathermoss forests. The soil...
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This dataset is associated with the article authored by Marine Pacé, David Paré, Nicole Fenton and Yves Bergeron entitled "Effect of lichen, Sphagnum spp. and feather moss...
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This dataset is associated with the article authored by Marine Pacé, Benjamin Gadet, Julien Beguin, Yves Bergeron et David Paré entitled " Drivers of boreal tree growth and...
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The Common Attribute Schema for Forest Resource Inventories (CASFRI) is a Canadian forest resource inventory data repository. Forest resource inventory datasets in CASFRI are...
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The Common Attribute Schema for Forest Resource Inventories (CASFRI) is a Canadian forest resource inventory data repository. Forest resource inventory datasets in CASFRI are...
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Multi-Agency Ground Plot (MAGPlot) database is a Canadian forest ground-plot data repository. Different agencies, including National Forest Inventory (NFI) and 12 Canadian...
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This data publication contains a set of 30m resolution raster files representing 2020 Canadian wall-to-wall maps of broad land cover type, forest canopy height, degree of crown...
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This data product aimed to extend the existing pre-1985 disturbance history record by mapping wildfire, harvest, and insect outbreaks in Canadian forests between 1965 and 1984....
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