3 catalogue entries found

Organizations: Natural Resources Canada Formats: HTML Domain / Topic: Boundaries, Location

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  • Catalogue Entry: Territorial Evolution from 1867 to 2017

    This map presents the history of the political boundaries in Canada, from Confederation in 1867 to 2017. Canada’s boundaries are dynamic political structures that reflect the...
  • Catalogue Entry: The World

    This cartographic digital product is derived from the Atlas of Canada's wall map "The World" (MCR 0046) and "Le monde" (MCR 0046F) published in 2021. The World is a general...
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • MXD
    • PDF
    • HTML
    • JPEG
  • Catalogue Entry: HOT2000 Climate Map

    The HOT2000 software contains monthly and annual climate data for 403 locations in Canada. Boundary lines for HOT2000 climate zones were defined through spatial interpolation of...
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • HTML
    • Esri REST
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