RHAs/Health Regions are geographic areas which are used to define populations and catchment areas for the administration and delivery of health services. This file provides RHA...
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Community Areas are a standard analytical and service delivery geography for the city of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Community Areas are a standard...
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Feature point layer showing COVID-19 rapid antigen test kit distribution sites in Manitoba. Feature point layer showing locations of distribution sites that currently have...
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Feature point layer of the 124 licensed personal care homes (PCHs) in Manitoba. This is a feature point layer of the 124 licensed personal care homes (PCHs) in Manitoba. All...
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Feature point layer showing locations of distributors participating in the Naloxone Take Home Program in Manitoba. This feature point layer shows the locations of distributors...
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RHA Districts are geographic areas that are used to define populations and catchment areas for the administration and delivery of health services. This file provides RHA...
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