Catalogue Entry: Benzene releases from gasoline stations - Implications for human health: Appendix A
Appendix A-
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Catalogue Entry: Benzene releases from gasoline stations - Implications for human health:...
Conclusion: In this report, the short-term benzene releases occurring due to tanker truck unloading of gasoline into storage tanks at gasoline stations and long-term releases of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Benzene releases from gasoline stations - Implications for human health:...
Uncertainties in evaluating the risk to human health: Recent Canadian benzene concentrations based on monitoring data at or near gasoline station operations were not available....-
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Catalogue Entry: Benzene releases from gasoline stations - Implications for human health:...
There are a number of mitigating measures for vapour releases at gasoline stations based on the Environmental Code of Practice issued by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Senate Committee of the Whole Bill C-62
Senate Committee of the Whole Bill C-62-
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Catalogue Entry: HESA-An Act to amend An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance...
Minister Holland's appearance at HESA on Bill- C62.-
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Catalogue Entry: BC sector study VOC dataset
The BC Sector Study in Trail and Kitimat was conducted in October and November of 2011 to measure the spatial variability of air pollutants in two small towns with a single... -
Catalogue Entry: CPADS 2021-2022 PUMF Data
The Canadian Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug Use Survey (CPADS) 2021-2022 recruited postsecondary students who were at a Canadian university, college, or CEGEP and... -
Catalogue Entry: Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality: Indicators of Fecal Contamination
This guideline technical document evaluated the available information on fecal indicator organisms in recreational waters with the intent of updating/recommending guideline...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian recreational water quality guidelines - Indicators of fecal...
The Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality are comprised of multiple guideline technical documents that consider the various factors that could interfere with the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian recreational water quality guidelines - Indicators of fecal...
Guidelines for the fecal indicator bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterococci have been developed for recreational areas used for primary contact activities (see Table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian recreational water quality guidelines - Indicators of fecal...
Indicators can be used for various purposes as part of a recreational water quality management plan. Fecal indicators signal the likely presence of fecal contamination. Common...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian recreational water quality guidelines - Indicators of fecal...
Several significant changes have been included in the current fecal indicator guidelines. This includes moving away from using GM and SSM's to using BAVs for day-to-day beach...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian recreational water quality guidelines - Indicators of fecal...
These documents provide guideline values for specific parameters used to monitor water quality hazards and recommend science-based monitoring and risk management strategies.-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian recreational water quality guidelines - Indicators of fecal...
Epidemiological studies investigating the association between GI and bacterial fecal indicators during primary contact recreational activities in fresh and marine waters...-
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Catalogue Entry: Draft technical document guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality -...
Management strategies. All water utilities should implement a risk management approach, such as the source-to-tap or water safety plan approach, to ensure water safety (CCME,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Consultation on guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality: Iron
Health Canada has developed a technical document to provide regulatory authorities and decision makers with an objective for the level of iron substances in Canadian drinking...-
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Catalogue Entry: Consultation: Draft technical document guidelines for Canadian drinking...
Health Canada is updating its guidance document on antimony in drinking water. We're looking for comments from regulatory authorities, decision makers and the public on the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Draft technical document guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality -...
This guideline technical document evaluated the available information on antimony with the intent of updating the guidelines for antimony in drinking water. The purpose of this...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Draft technical document guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality -...
Table B-1. Total antimony concentrations for select river basins across Canada, from Environment Canada's long-term monitoring data (2000–2015) Table B-2. Total antimony...-
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