Catalogue Entry: Infographic: Legal Aid in Canada 2021-22
The annual legal aid report presents data on legal aid delivery in Canada. This infographic presents trend data over five years from 2017-18 to 2021-22 -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Aid in Canada, 2017/2018
The Legal Aid Survey was a Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS)/Statistics Canada annual survey on revenues, expenditures, personnel, and caseload statistics associated... -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Aid in Canada 2016-2017
While policy development related to criminal legal aid is a shared federal/provincial/territorial responsibility, each province and territory is responsible for the delivery of... -
Catalogue Entry: Child Care Programs and Facilities, registry and map
The dataset provides information on the child care facilities listed on the child care programs map. The intent is to provide an online resource to assist families searching for... -
Catalogue Entry: Mental health and substance use services BC
The HealthLink BC Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) data set includes the following: Programs that offer early intervention, transitional care or other services that...