This product provides information on Stocks of Grain (All Wheat, Oats, Barley, All Rye, Flaxseed and Canola) on Alberta Farms on July 31, over 34 year are included.
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This product provides information on Alberta Game Farming Industry, over a ten-year period. Total number of Licensed Game Farms; Farms with Elks/Deer; , Elk/Whitetail Deer/Mule...
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This product provides information on the Quantity(tonnes) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports by Product, for a five-year period. Ten-Year and...
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This product provides information on Chickens Slaughtered in Registered Stations, Alberta, over a twelve-year period. Total Eviscerated Weight - tonnes of chickens under 1 kg,...
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This product provides information on Alberta Pedigreed Acres, for a ten-year period. Total Acres for Wheat, Oats, Barley, Other Cereals, Flax, Oilseeds and special Crops are...
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This product provides information on Alberta Employed Labour Force in Agri-Food Industries for a 20-year period. Trend of Total Agriculture Industries Employment by Animal...
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This product provides information on Alberta Net Farm Income for a 30-year period. Details on Net Cash Income, Income-in-Kind, Depreciation Charges, Realized Net Income and...
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This product provides the Economic Indicator of Alberta Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Agri-Food Industries in Chained (2007) Dollars for a seven-year period. Year-over-year...
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This product provides information on the Value ($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports to China, for a five-year period. Total Value Exports to...
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This product provides information on Sheep and Lambs (number of Head) on Alberta Farms, at July 1, for a forty-five year period. Total number of Sheep and Lambs in Alberta vs....
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This product provides information on Canadian Wheat Board Payments, over an eight-year period. $/tonnes (Basic Edmonton/Calgary) of Wheat, Barley, Designated Barley; and...
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This Alberta Official Statistic describes trends in Alberta's farm cash receipts, farm operating expenses, net cash income and realized net income, from 2001 to 2013. Farm cash...
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This product provides information on Canadian Wheat Board Payments (Initial and Final), over a two-year period. $/tonne (Basis Edmonton/Calgary) Initial Payment, Adjusted...
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This product provides information on the Value($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports by Product, for a five-year period. 5-Year Average and...
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This product provides information on Alberta Farm Debt Outstanding by Lender, at December 31, for a 30-year period. Detailed debt by type of lender such as Chartered Banks,...
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This product provides information on the Value($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta and Canada's Agri-Food Exports by Type of Product, for a ten-year period....
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This product provides information on Alberta Farm Income Statistics for Alberta, Canada and other provinces. Presented on a calendar year basis, including both current updates...
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This product provides information on Average Calf Prices, Southern Alberta, for a twelve-year period. Prices for Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers by Lbs-ranges; and monthly...
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This product provides information on Alberta Horse Meat Exports (tonnes and Value$) by Destination (Japan, Kazakhstan, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Other Countries), over a ten...
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