A systematic oceanographic monitoring program was initiated in September 1989 at twenty-five monitoring stations in the Passamaquoddy Bay area and approaches by Dr. Shawn...
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The excessive input of nitrogen derived from human land-use activities remains a major cause of the eutrophication of coastal ecosystems around the world. However, little data...
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The Fieldnotes dataset represents the anticipated locations of DFO Science field operations for 2022-2023 in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as in the coastal and...
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Human activities occurring on land can impact marine coastal ecosystems. Baseline information on the locations and intensity of these activities are critical components of any...
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This dataset is comprised of the spatial boundaries for the Port Hawkesbury and Saint John pilot areas within the Oceans Protection Plan - Area Response Plan (ARP) project.
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The Fieldnotes dataset represents the anticipated locations of DFO Science field operations for 2021-2022 in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as in the coastal and...
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The Fieldnotes dataset represents the anticipated locations of DFO Science field operations for 2020-2021 in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as in the coastal and...
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This geodatabase includes hotspot maps of 1) nearshore habitat richness, 2) diversity (fish and invertebrates), and 3) biomass (using catch per unit effort of fish and...
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The data layer (.shp) presented is the result of an unsupervised classification method for classifying seafloor habitat in the Bay of Fundy (Northwest Atlantic, Canada). This...
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Temperature logger data was collected from two Vemco miniloggers attached to range-testing moorings for an array of acoustic receivers at a depth of approximately 300 metres in...
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A coastal surficial substrate layer for the coastal Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy. To create the layer, previous geological characterizations from NRCan were translated into...
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This report outlines the results of a project that created a series of maps tracking inshore historical Lobster fishing district boundaries from 1899 to present. This work has...
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The St. Anns Bank Marine Protected Area was established in June 2017. Data describing the spatial-temporal patterns and drivers of species movement is essential for evaluating...
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Description: Biophysical Units: Under the Pacific Marine Ecological Classification System (PMECS; DFO 2016; Rubidge et al. 2016), biophysical units are areas of distinct...
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Extreme water level along the marine coastline is a result of a combination of storm surge, tides, and ocean waves. Future projections of climate change in the marine...
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Points, polylines and polygons where species and features have been found, harvested or detailed. Community Based Coastal Resource Inventory (CCRI) – Fisheries and Oceans Canada...
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In Canada, DFO assessments have reported a high probability of significant climate change impacts in all marine and freshwater basins, with effects increasing over time (DFO...
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Data from the analysis of sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, bottom temperature, and bottom salinity, over the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf, for 23 CMIP6 models....
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Funded through DFO's Strategic Program for Ecosystem-based Research and Advice (SPERA), this benthic survey covers several seabed areas adjacent to Deer Island and Campobello...
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DFO Maritimes Region has conducted a cumulative human impact mapping analysis for the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy management area to support ongoing Marine Spatial Planning...
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