Catalogue Entry: Baseline Cyber Security Controls for Small and Medium Organizations
This document presents the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security baseline cyber security controls wherein we attempt to apply the 80/20 rule (achieve 80% of the benefit from 20% of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Network Security Zoning - Design Considerations for Placement of Services...
This guideline is intended to assist network architects and security practitioners with the appropriate placement of services (for example, domain name service, email service,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Cyber Security Tips for Remote Work (ITSAP.10.116)
When you work in the office, you benefit from the security measures that your organization has in place to protect its networks, systems, devices, and information from cyber...-
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Catalogue Entry: Security Requirements for Wireless Local Area Networks (ITSG-41)
The information provided in this document is intended to assist in the mitigation of threats associated with a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) deployment by offering security...-
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Catalogue Entry: IT Security Risk Management: A Lifecycle Approach (ITSG-33)
With today’s dynamic threat environment and Government of Canada (GC) fiscal constraints, information technology (IT) security can no longer be an afterthought, but rather needs...-
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Catalogue Entry: Protect how you connect
Assessing possible risk before using social media platforms and apps-
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Catalogue Entry: Cyber Security Advice for Political Candidates
"The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security has warned that foreign actors will likely try to interfere in Canadian election processes. If you’re involved in politics – as a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Cyber security guide for campaign teams
" Introduction: Why this guide is important to your campaign planning Before we start… Something for everyone Step 1: Assess what cyber security means for your campaign Step 2:...-
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Catalogue Entry: Library catalogue for Communication Security Establishment
The Communications Security Establishment library contains a large number of books covering a wide range of topics. This dataset lists the books in the library catalogue.-
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Catalogue Entry: Baseline security requirements for network security zones (version 2.0) - ITSP.80.022
This Guidance document is intended to outlines network security zone models and architectures and provides technical guidance on implementing network security zones.-
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Catalogue Entry: Harmonized TRA Methodology (TRA-1)
" TRA-1 - Tool TRA-1 - A-5: Sample Statement of Work for TRA Consulting Services TRA-1 - A-6: Sample TRA Work Plan TRA-1 - B-2: Asset Listing TRA-1 - B-5: Asset Valuation Table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Communications Security Establishment Annual Report 2019-2020
"The Communications Security Establishment (CSE) released its first unclassified, public Annual Report. This past year has been a notable one for CSE, highlighted by the CSE Act...-
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Catalogue Entry: Using encryption to keep your sensitive data secure - ITSAP.40.016
Encryption technologies are used to secure many applications and websites that you use daily. For example, online banking or shopping, email applications, and secure instant...-
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Catalogue Entry: Developing your incident response plan (ITSAP.40.003)
Your incident response plan includes the processes, procedures, and documentation related to how your organization detects, responds to, and recovers from incidents. Cyber...-
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Catalogue Entry: Security considerations for industrial control systems (ITSAP.00.050)
An industrial control system (ICS) automates and controls industrial processes (e.g. manufacturing, product handling, production, and distribution) and mechanical functions to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Implementation guidance: email domain protection (ITSP.40.065 v1.1)
This document provides guidance to system owners on implementing technical security measures to protect their domains from email spoofing. In this document, we describe...-
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Catalogue Entry: Digital footprint (ITSAP.00.133)
Your organization uses the Internet to carry out business activities, provide employees with remote work capabilities, and offer services to clients. As your employees and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Securing access controls in a volunteer-based organization (ITSM.30.010)
This document outlines common risks faced by volunteer-based organizations and recommends how to address these risks by adapting how people, processes, information, and...-
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Catalogue Entry: How to identify misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation (ITSAP.00.300)
The effects of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation (MDM) cost the global economy billions of dollars each year. Often known colloquially as “fake news”, MDM are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Guidance on using tokenization for cloud-based services (ITSP.50.108)
This document describes how your organization can use tokenization to reduce the residual risks incurred when using cloud based services to transmit, process, or store sensitive...-
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