This geographical file contains the locations of ambulance stations within the City of Toronto. This dataset also contains the district offices. This information is used for...
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The City of Toronto coordinates a Heat Relief Network throughout the summer season from May 15 – September 30, which includes air conditioned and cool spaces. The public can...
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This datast is no longer being maintained. It has been retired as of April 15, 2019 This dataset contains the locations of bicycle shops located in the City of Toronto. This...
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The City's Environmentally Significant Areas are shown on Map 12A of the Official Plan. Environmentally Significant Areas are areas of land or water within the natural heritage...
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This dataset includes the Toronto Police Service patrol zone boundaries updated as of 2018. The first two digits of the patrol zone indicate the division that they are...
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The Pedestrian Network (pednet) was created by the DAV team at the City of Toronto, and it is based on the sidewalk inventory from Transportation Services, Toronto road...
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ID - used for labels on maps NAME - name of location ADDRESS - address of location PCODE - full postal code of location CAPACITY - bed capacity of location SUITE_ALT -...
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The data layer shows the sign district designations of all properties in the City of Toronto - the sign bylaw regulations/permissions/restrictions that are applicable to each...
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Throughout the City are sites and areas that require policies that vary from one or more of the provisions of the Official Plan and may require a further layer of local policy...
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This dataset contains the locations of the elementary and secondary schools owed by the TCDSB within Toronto. Containing attributes such as: Name, Panel (Elementary, Secondary...
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Attributes are described in a readme file as part of each dataset. The City's street centreline file should be used to over lay with this dataset. Also, please use the enclosed...
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This dataset contains City of Toronto renewable energy installations on City-owned buildings. This includes the locations of currently installed renewable energy systems such as...
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Religious locations such as churches, synagogues, temples, ashrams, mosques, etc. This data set is a one off capture of places of worship as of 2006. There are no plans for...
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The Toronto bikeways dataset illustrates the existing cycling network across the city, including both shared and dedicated bikeways. A summary of the network status is available...
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COVID-19 testing is coordinated by the provincial government and local healthcare system, including hospitals, community health centres, pharmacies and other community agencies....
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The City of Toronto entered into a 20-year contractual agreement with Astral Out-of-Home in 2007 for the installation and maintenance of up to 25,000 street furniture elements...
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The City of Toronto entered into a 20-year contractual agreement with Astral Out-of-Home in 2007 for the installation and maintenance of up to 25,000 street furniture elements...
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The City of Toronto entered into a 20-year contractual agreement with Astral Out-of-Home in 2007 for the installation and maintenance of up to 25,000 street furniture elements...
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