Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 First Quarterly Report - Provincial Debt Update Tbl 3.5
A tabular presentation of changes from the budgeted 2012-13 provincial debt forecast for the British Columbia government for the first 2012-13 quarterly report. -
Catalogue Entry: BC 2013-14 Second Quarterly Report - 2013-14 Forecast Changes from June...
A tabular presentation of changes from budgeted 2013-14 revenue and expenditure for the British Columbia government for the first 2013-14 quarterly report. -
Catalogue Entry: Student Learning Survey (SLS)
The Student Learning Survey (SLS) is an annual province-wide census of Grade 4, 7, 10 and 12 students, their parents, and staff in public schools regarding their school... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Population Projections
A population projection is a forecast of future population growth. BC Stats applies the Component/Cohort-Survival method to project the population. This method "grows" the... -
Catalogue Entry: Affordable Child Care Benefit - Number of Children and Family Recipients
Monthly data of seasonally adjusted number of families and children who are recipients of the Affordable Child Care Benefit. Data dictionary defines the variables in the table.... -
Catalogue Entry: Child Care Facilities and Spaces Over Time
Monthly count of facilities and spaces for licensed child care providers that have opted in to participate in Ministry of Education and Child Care programs - either the Child... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - Teacher Statistics
British Columbia Public School Teacher Statistics, includes all data used in public reports up to 2023/2024. See lineage statement for more details. -
Catalogue Entry: BC Surgical Wait Times
B.C. surgical wait times for elective surgical procedures in British Columbia for patients of all ages. This data includes scheduled inpatient and day surgery cases. This data... -
Catalogue Entry: Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative Approved Facilities and Spaces
Monthly data on the number of licensed child care spaces and facilities approved to receive the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI). Data dictionary defines the... -
Catalogue Entry: Early Childhood Educators and Facilities under Wage Enhancement
Monthly data on the number of Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) receiving the wage enhancement and the number of child care facilities participating in the Early Childhood... -
Catalogue Entry: Graduation Assessments
This extract contains information on the results of the Graduation Assessment (Numeracy 10 and Literacy 10/12) for first time Grade 10 or 12 students taking the assessments for... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - Student Headcount by Grade
Headcount of students by grade for all years up to 2023/2024, including student counts by all students, Indigenous, and non-Indigenous. -
Catalogue Entry: Compulsory Inspection Data 1900 to 2022
In order to comply with the Wildlife Act, hunters must have certain game species inspected by a provincial inspector. The compulsory inspection (CI) database contains... -
Catalogue Entry: Hunting Sales Statistics 2005 to Current
The Hunting Sales Statistics annual dataset provides the number of hunting licences sold in British Columbia each licence year. The data is currently collected through the BC... -
Catalogue Entry: Big Game Harvest Statistics 1976 to Current
The Big Game Harvest Statistics annual dataset provides a summary of hunting activity for big game species in British Columbia. The data is presented at the wildlife management... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Public Service Work Environment Survey: Ministry Results
This Excel workbook contains results from the BC Public Service Work Environment Survey dating back to 2013. The survey is administered biennially (every 2 years) to all active... -
Catalogue Entry: Routine Capital and Annual Capital Allowance at B.C. Public Post-Secondary...
Routine capital and annual capital allowance provided by the provincial government to British Columbia's public post-secondary institutions. Data are available by region. -
Catalogue Entry: Credentials at Public Post-Secondary Institutions by Level and Category
Number of credentials awarded to students at British Columbia's public post-secondary institutions. Data are available at a system level. -
Catalogue Entry: Domestic and International Student Headcount by Economic Development Region...
Number of domestic and international students enrolled at British Columbia's public post-secondary institutions. Data are available by economic development region and institution. -
Catalogue Entry: BC Public Libraries Statistics 2002-Present
This multi-year dataset has been compiled to provide users with a single, compact source of reliable BC public library data. For better cross-year comparisons, we have used the...