The "Agri-Environmental Indicator Risk of Soil Salinization" dataset estimates the risk of accumulation of soluble salts on agricultural lands in the Canadian Prairies. At high...
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Wildlife habitat capacity is the extent and quality of habitat that can support a diversity of species. When we convert wilderness to agricultural land we lose a great deal of...
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The Agri-Environmental Indicator of Risk of Water Contamination by Phosphorus dataset estimates the relative risk of phosphorus loss from Soil Landscapes of Canada agricultural...
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The Agri-Environmental Indicator Residual Soil Nitrogen (RSN) dataset estimates the amount of nitrogen remaining in the soil at the end of the growing season (after harvest) on...
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The Indicator of Risk of Water Contamination by nitrogen (IROWC-N) estimates the risk of water contamination by nitrogen leaching on agricultural lands in Canada from 1981 to...
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The Agri-Environmental Indicator Risk of Water Contamination by Coliforms provides two variables including the Soil Coliform Load and the Coliform Risk to Water. The Soil...
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The Agri-Environmental Indicator Soil Erosion Risk dataset provides the estimated risk of soil loss from the combined effects of wind, water, and tillage for Soil Landscapes of...
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Frost Day Count (-2 °C) is defined as the count of the number of days in a calendar month where the minimum daily temperature for the climate day was at or below -2 °C. These...
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Growing Degree Days (GDDs) are used to estimate the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. Insect and plant development are very dependent on...
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Frost Day Count (0 °C) is defined as the number of days in a calendar month where the minimum daily temperature for the climate day was at or below 0 °C. These values are...
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Monthly 30-year Average Maximum Temperature represents the average monthly maximum temperature calculated for a given location averaged across a 30 year period (1961-1991,...
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First Fall Frost (-2 °C) is defined as the average day of the second half of the year with the first occurrence of the minimum temperature of a climate day which is at or below...
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Growing Degree Days (GDDs) are used to estimate the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. Insect and plant development are very dependent on...
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Crop/Corn Heat Units (CHU) is a temperature-based index often used by farmers and agricultural researchers to estimate whether the climate is warm enough to grow corn. Daily...
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Last Spring Frost (0 °C) is defined as the average day, during the first half of the year, of the last occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 0 °C. These values are...
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Last Spring Frost (-2 °C) is defined as the average day, during the first half of the year, of the last occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below -2 °C. These values are...
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First Fall Frost (0 °C) is defined as the average day, during the second half of the year, of the first occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 0 °C. These values are...
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Growing Season Frost Free Period (-2 °C) is defined as the count of the number of days from the day after the last spring frost (-2 °C) to the day before the first fall frost...
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Last Spring Frost (-4 °C) is defined as the average day, during the first half of the year, of the last occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below -4 °C. These values are...
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