Catalogue Entry: Federal Parks and Protected Areas in New Brunswick
The administrative boundaries (exterior limits) of National Parks in New Brunswick. -
Catalogue Entry: Licensed Children’s Residences in Ontario
The data lists all Children's Residences licensed by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services as of March 31, 2016 (excluding youth justice facilities). The dataset includes:... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services regions
This dataset includes: new MCYS regions Youth Justice Services regions Service Delivery Division regions census division names census division IDs census subdivision names... -
Catalogue Entry: Count of public organizations who factored climate change adaptation into...
Data are available for core public infrastructure assets which consist of public transit, potable water, stormwater, wastewater, solid waste, roads, bridges and tunnels, public... -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption Practitioners
Contact information for adoption practitioners who are approved to conduct homestudies and supervise adoption placements.