Catalogue Entry: Traffic Volume
A detailed listing outlining the 23 year history (1988-2010) of traffic volumes on Provincial Highways (King's, Secondary, Tertiary Roads and the 7000 series highways). The...-
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Catalogue Entry: Pavement condition for provincial highways
Pavement condition data is collected annually using an Automatic Road Analyzer (ARAN). Based on the automated data, the condition of the pavement is evaluated in terms of... -
Catalogue Entry: 2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: traffic volumes at survey stations
The dataset contains average hourly truck and auto volumes for one week. The data is based on traffic counts collected over a two week period during the Commercial Vehicle...-
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Catalogue Entry: Bridge conditions
All bridges in Ontario are inspected every 2 years using the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM) format. The weighted condition of all elements is summarized in the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Average truck travel speed and performance indices
Data tracking historical truck travel speeds from the road network performance project. The travel speeds, Travel Time Index (TTI), Delay Index (DI) and Buffer Time Index (BTI)...-
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Catalogue Entry: Commercial vehicle origin and destination data
This data provides core information on truck travel and commodity flows on the provincial highway network and other significant truck corridors. It provides average daily trip...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Commercial Vehicle Survey Data (Commercial vehicle flows assigned to road network)
This data provides core information on truck travel and commodity flows on the provincial highway network and other significant truck corridors. It includes the basic commercial...-
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Catalogue Entry: Commercial Vehicle Survey Data - Equivalent single axle load
This dataset contains 2016 and 2041 projections of equivalent single axle loads for commercial vehicles on provincial highways, based on the 2012 Commercial Vehicle Survey....-
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Catalogue Entry: Commercial Vehicle Survey - Traffic volumes at survey stations
This data provides modelled average hourly traffic count information by weekday/weekend: This data provides modelled average hourly traffic count information by weekday/weekend....-
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Catalogue Entry: Safety performance functions
Safety Performance Functions allow the Ministry of Transportation to analyze different elements of the Ontario highway network. They can be used in applications such as...-
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Catalogue Entry: Electric Vehicles in Ontario – By Forward Sortation Area Q4 2022
This dataset details the total number of electric vehicles (EVs) in Ontario. This includes both battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) for...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Electric Vehicles in Ontario – By Forward Sortation Area Q3 2022
This dataset details the total number of electric vehicles (EVs) in Ontario. This includes both battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) for...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Electric Vehicles in Ontario – By Forward Sortation Area Q2 2022
This dataset details the total number of electric vehicles (EVs) in Ontario. This includes both battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) for...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Electric Vehicles in Ontario – By Forward Sortation Area Q1 2022
This dataset details the total number of electric vehicles (EVs) in Ontario. This includes both battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)....-
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Catalogue Entry: 2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: origin and destination
The dataset contains trip origin, destination, commodity group, average daily trips, commodity weight and value. The data represents activity by medium and heavy trucks only....-
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