The GTC System makes it possible to compile information on the records of land contaminated by industrial and commercial activities or by accidental spills. This is not an...
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Wildlife Habitats (HAFA) contains data for the 11 legal wildlife habitats located on land under the domain of the State and is protected under the Wildlife Habitat Regulations...
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The regional agency for the development of private forests is a non-profit legal entity. Its constitution and organization are described in sections 132 to 168 of the...
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Since December 2016, the City of Montreal has been filling potholes using all-in-one mechanized equipment including the functionality of georeferencing the position of plugged...
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Representation of the archipelago of the agglomeration of Montreal. It is not an official land limit.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated...
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The term “geotechnical investigation site” is used hereafter to refer to the location where geotechnical (surveys and instrumentation) and geophysical data are available. The...
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The Route Blanche is a snowmobile trail located on the Lower North Shore, constituting the only winter land link between Kegaska and Blanc-Sablon, thus bridging the road link...
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This theme presents the trophic status of lakes monitored as part of the Voluntary Lake Monitoring Network (RSVL) between 2004 and 2020. The trophic state is the result of the...
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Hydrographic surfaces cut within the official boundaries of the Montreal Metropolitan Community, including the territory of the Kahnawake reserve and excluding the agglomeration...
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The Ministry of Education (MEQ) annually calculates two deprivation indices for the 69 school service centers and linguistic school boards: • the Socio-economic Environment...
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The detailed hydrographic network shows all the flow channels visible on the territory of 12 MRCs in Montérégie. This photo-interpretation project was carried out on a scale...
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Under the Regulation respecting the mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere (RDOECA), the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against...
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Geometric and conventional representation of the hydrographic network. The 3D hydrographic layer is represented by several natural or physical elements associated with the...
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Location of mileage markers on the road network. Mileage markers are installed on highways and they can also be installed on other roads, where there are tracking problems or an...
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This layer shows the location of the sampled stations classified according to the Eastern Canada Diatom Index (IDEC). It contains data obtained since 1935 that was converted to...
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This theme presents the index of water health along the banks of the St. Lawrence River. It makes it possible to determine if the sites present risks to human health and if they...
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The layer of ecological planning units (UPE) constitutes the territorial base at the base of the ecoforest inventory process in southern Quebec (IEQM). It was created and then...
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This map locates the parts of the territory where the standards relating to landslides, prescribed by the Government of Quebec, must apply. Landslide stress areas include, in...
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Territories in the domain of the State over which granted rights include wood volume assignments defined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF). There are...
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From 1986 to 2000, a major ecological inventory program was carried out in the forests of southern Quebec in order to describe the diversity of forest ecosystems. In total,...
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