Location of public schools (French-speaking, English-speaking and special status) as well as private and governmental schools for preschool, primary, secondary, vocational...
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The term “geotechnical investigation site” is used hereafter to refer to the location where geotechnical (surveys and instrumentation) and geophysical data are available. The...
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Following the spring floods at the end of April 2017 on Lake of Two Mountains, Lake Saint-Pierre and the Rivières des Prairies and Mille-Îles that affected the regions of...
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Ice maps produced for the prevention of flooding by ice jams and the monitoring of river ice during spring floods, winter temperatures or even during problems with ice jams. The...
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Location of mileage markers on the road network. Mileage markers are installed on highways and they can also be installed on other roads, where there are tracking problems or an...
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This map locates the parts of the territory where the standards relating to landslides, prescribed by the Government of Quebec, must apply. Landslide stress areas include, in...
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The Geographic and Administrative Database is available at scales of 1/1,000,000 (BDGA1M) and 1/5,000,000 (BDGA5M). It provides a geographic and administrative base on a small...
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Measurement of flow and level stations from partners of the Ministry of Public Security (MSP). Flows and levels make it possible to automatically monitor the risks of flooding...
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Peatlands include information relating to peatlands defined as a wetland, colonized by vegetation allowing the formation of a soil made of peat that is the result of the...
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Sand and gravel include information related to aggregate deposits.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
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This data layer comes from information recorded to the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Public Security (MSP) during winter heat or spring flooding. The compilation was...
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Specific location of airports, heliports, hydroaerodromes and aerodromes in Quebec; geometry, toponymy, code, etc.This third party metadata element was translated using an...
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Geochronology includes information pertaining to geochronology samples.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
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On July 6, 2013, a train of 72 cars carrying 100 tons of crude oil each exploded in Lac-Mégantic. Images from the Pléiades and KompSat 3A satellites were acquired in order to...
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Data on the depth of freezing and thawing in road pavements managed by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (MTMD). Since the 2008-2009 winter period, these data...
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The classified network (Highway, National, Regional, Collector, Collector, Local 1-2-3, Local 1-2-3, Access to resources and isolated locations) whose management is the...
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Road segments from the Adresses Québec geobase including trucking attributes. Transit roads “Legend: Transit (permit)”: Roads that are authorized to access by any heavy vehicle....
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Localization of warnings such as road and bridge closures or incidents preventing free passage on a road segment or structure.This third party metadata element was translated...
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Delimitation of thaw zones (zone 1-2-3) with regard to weight limitations on the road network. Please refer to the site for descriptive details (official dates, load...
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