Managed areas (parks, green spaces, etc.) for recreation and relaxation, including municipal equipment and vegetations.attributes:ID - Unique identifierMunicipality - Municipal...
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All the specific addresses of the City of Rouyn-Noranda.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
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3920 aerial photographs showing the state of the territory of the Island of Montreal between 1947 and 1949, before major urban planning projects and shoreline development....
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Delimitation of surface drinking water withdrawal protection areas for the territory of the City of Rouyn-NorandaThis third party metadata element was translated using an...
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The level curves are derived from a LiDAR survey carried out in May 2014. The equidistance is 25 cm, the absolute planimetric accuracy (XY) is approximately 40 cm, and the...
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Delineation of areas potentially exposed to landslides and protective bands.attributs:ID - Unique IdentifierType - Entity typeThis third party metadata element was translated...
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Land assignments of the most recent version in force of the revised land use and development plan for the City of Sherbrooke. For more details, see the Planning and Land Use...
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Work in progress during the current day on the territory of the City of Sherbrooke.attributs:ID - Unique identifierMunicipality - Municipality codeType - Type of workSub-type -...
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Wooded areas of interest and particular ecosystems or habitats covered by the Interim Control Regulation (RCI) Nature plan amended by Regulation 1274-1.attributs:mb_ID -...
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Sports and recreational facilities including: arenas, tube slides, water games, water games, iron and pebble games, game modules, skateboard modules, skating rinks, pools,...
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Surface hydrographic network of the City of Rouyn-NorandaThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
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Boundary of the urban perimeters of the City of Rouyn-NorandaThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
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The property assessment roll presents the inventory of buildings located on the territory of a municipality, assessed on the same basis and at the same date. It is the central...
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Industrial sectors.attributs:ID - Unique identifierName - Industrial park nameThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon...
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A set of data that geolocates traffic signs regulating on-street parking. Note that [road signs] (/city-of-montreal/traffic-signs) as well as other additional files that provide...
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The link: Access the data directory is available in the sectionDataset Description Sheets; Additional Information. Forest infrastructure mapping corresponds to the forest...
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Ensemble of wetlands in the City of Rouyn-NorandaThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
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Residential projects approved by the municipal council and planned on the territory of the City of Sherbrooke.attributes:Name - Project nameHyperlink - Hyperlink to the project...
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Municipal zoning in force. For more details, consult the municipal planning bylaws.attributs:ID - Unique IdentifierMunicipality - Municipal codeNo_zone - Identifier of the...
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Bicycle path routes.attribute:Name - Name of the bike pathTypeLane - Type of bike pathThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool...
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