Catalogue Entry: Elections - Voter Statistics
This dataset contains the number of eligible electors on the Voters' List, the number of additions and corrections to the List and the number of electors who voted in the 2003,... -
Catalogue Entry: Bicycle Post and Ring Locations
This dataset is retired. The following datasets now replace it: Street Furniture - Bicycle Parking -
Catalogue Entry: Cultural Spaces
This dataset has been expired on January 16th, 2023. EDC is currently investigating a potential improvement or revision of this dataset. At present, the division is no longer... -
Catalogue Entry: Recreational Drop in Programs
This dataset is retired and will no longer be updated. Please see Registered Programs and Drop In Courses Offering for more up to date data. LocationName - Name of the facility... -
Catalogue Entry: Sports & Recreation - Program Enrollment, Drop-In Usage and Permit Activity Summary
This dataset has been retired and will not be updated. Please see Toronto's Dashboard Key Indicators for more accurate data. City sports and recreation data related to program...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Transportation Division Bridge Data
This data set is retired. A new data set replaces at: Bridge Structure The 'STRUCTURE' dataset contains City of Toronto (City) Transportation Service fully or partially owns 413... -
Catalogue Entry: TTC - Average Weekday Ridership
This data set is no longer maintained. You will find the new data here. See "TTC - Average Weekday Ridership Readme" File The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) tracks the number... -
Catalogue Entry: TTC - Monthly Ridership
This data set is no longer maintained. You will find the new data here. See "TTC - Monthly Ridership Readme" File The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) tracks the number of... -
Catalogue Entry: Festivals & Events
Description and Purpose of the Dataset This dataset lists all festivals, special events and exhibits (etc.) approved to appear on the City of Toronto Festivals and Events... -
Catalogue Entry: Tax Rebates - Tax Exemptions
This data is retired and will no longer be updated. For more information, please see here or email propertytax@toronto.ca. The City of Toronto grants rebates and exemptions to...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Casino Survey Results
Please see Readme file In November 2012, City Council's Executive Committee requested the City Manager to seek the public's input on the establishment of a casino in Toronto.... -
Catalogue Entry: Core Service Review - Qualitative Data
To address Toronto's 2012 budget gap of $774 million, City Council launched a review of all of its services and implemented a multi-year financial planning process. This data... -
Catalogue Entry: Long-Term Care Locations, City Operated
See "Long-Term Care Locations Readme" file The data was obtained from the Long-Term Care Homes and Services Division in a list format. Data is used for business operation to... -
Catalogue Entry: E-Bike Survey Response Results
Between April 10 and May 8, 2013 the City of Toronto posted an online survey, which sought to gather demographic, travel and public opinion data to better understand e-bikes,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Council and Standing Committee Meeting Statistics
These datasets contains meeting data for Council, Community Council and Standing Committee meetings for the full 2010-2014 term of Council and the 2014-2018 term of Council to... -
Catalogue Entry: Proclamations
Proclamations are used for public awareness campaigns, charitable fundraising campaigns, arts and cultural celebrations and special honours on the recommendation of the Mayor. -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Public Library Branch Locations
This dataset is retired. More up to date information on this subject can be found on this newer open data page The locations of the existing library branches within the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: Live Green Toronto Membership Card Businesses
Please see "Readme" file. This dataset contains a list of the participating businesses, their locations and their special offers for Live Green Toronto Membership Card holders.... -
Catalogue Entry: Parking Tickets
See Parking Ticket Data Readme file Approximately 2.8 million parking tickets are issued annually across the City of Toronto. This dataset contains non-identifiable information... -
Catalogue Entry: Traffic Signal Vehicle and Pedestrian Volumes
This dataset contains the most recent 8 peak hour vehicle and pedestrian volume counts collected at intersections where there are traffic signals. The data is typically...