See "Supportive Housing Locations Readme" file This data set contains the locations of City operated supportive housing locations within Toronto. The data was obtained from the...
File available for download in the following formats:
ID - used for labels on maps NAME - name of location ADDRESS - address of location PCODE - full postal code of location CAPACITY - bed capacity of location SUITE_ALT -...
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SHELTER AND SECTOR - Shelter names grouped by sector (shelter type) WARD LOCATION - Number of ward in which shelter is located COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Community council identified...
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This dataset contains unit density profiles of Social Housing in the City of Toronto for the 140 neighbourhoods that make up the City of Toronto. For Reference Period 2014:...
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See "SSHA Social Housing Summary Readme" File Number of people in Toronto on the wait list for social housing, number of rent bank loans granted and shelter use (average beds...
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This is Toronto Community Housing data covering developments and buildings larger than 5 units with descriptions located within the City of Toronto. Buildings included in this...
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EarlyON Child and family centres offer free programs to parents/caregivers and their children from birth to six years of age. These centres welcome all families to participate...
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