Catalogue Entry: Indoor Ice Rinks in Toronto
This dataset includes information on arenas, community centres, and recreation centres with indoor ice pads owned by the City of Toronto. The dataset provides details on ice pad...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Outdoor Artificial Ice Rinks in Toronto
This dataset includes data on outdoor Artificial Ice Rinks (AIR) and skate trails maintained by the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) division. The City...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Tennis Courts Facilities in Toronto
This dataset includes data on tennis court locations that belong to the City of Toronto. Some locations are public, others are 'clubs' (these sites are operated by not-for-...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Parks Drinking Water Sources in Toronto
This dataset includes data on drinking water sources operated by the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) division. Only drinking water sources that have been...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Green Spaces in Toronto
Geospatial dataset of polygons that is a point-in-time generalized representation of existing parks and open spaces within the City of Toronto. Green Spaces includes public...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Park Washroom Facilities in Toronto
This dataset includes data on washroom facilities operated by the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) division. These facilities include: washroom buildings in...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Road Restrictions
New Feed Enhancements - August 2022 The new road restrictions feed is available with links listed as Version 3. We will be retiring Versions 1 and 2 on October 1st, 2022.... -
Catalogue Entry: Agency Survey Results on COVID-19 Recovery And Rebuild
An online survey of the City’s partner organizations was conducted from June 22 to July 31, 2020 by City staff in Social Development Finance and Administration Division. This... -
Catalogue Entry: City Subject Thesaurus
This subject-based controlled vocabulary contains approximately 2500 terms in total. The thesaurus is currently used by the City's 311 Knowledge Base and by the Toronto Meeting... -
Catalogue Entry: Input from Roundtables, Public and Stakeholders on Recovery and Rebuild
From April to August, 2020, the Mayor and Members of City Council, divisions and the Toronto Office of Recovery and Rebuild hosted online discussions to seek public and... -
Catalogue Entry: King Street Pilot - Disaggregate headway and travel time
The King Street Transit Pilot launched on Sunday, November 12, 2017 between Bathurst Street and Jarvis Street. The Pilot aimed to improve transit reliability, speed, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Office of Recovery and Rebuild Group Discussion - Vulnerable Populations
From June 24 to July 24, 2020, the City of Toronto contracted Social Planning Toronto (a local non-governmental organization) to conduct additional outreach to equity-seeking or... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Office of Recovery and Rebuild – Public Survey Results
While the City continues to work on reducing the spread of COVID-19 and ensuring the delivery of essential and critical City services, it is also working to prepare for... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Office of Recovery and Rebuild Story Form – Vulnerable Populations
From June 24 to July 24, 2020, the City of Toronto contracted Social Planning Toronto (a local non-governmental organization) to conduct additional outreach to equity-seeking or... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Office of Recovery and Rebuild Survey for Individuals - Vulnerable...
From June 24 to July 24, 2020, the City of Toronto contracted Social Planning Toronto (a local non-governmental organization) to conduct additional outreach to equity-seeking or... -
Catalogue Entry: Ambulance Station Locations
This geographical file contains the locations of ambulance stations within the City of Toronto. This dataset also contains the district offices. This information is used for... -
Catalogue Entry: Air Conditioned and Cool Spaces (Heat Relief Network)
The City of Toronto coordinates a Heat Relief Network throughout the summer season from May 15 – September 30, which includes air conditioned and cool spaces. The public can... -
Catalogue Entry: Bicycle Shops
This datast is no longer being maintained. It has been retired as of April 15, 2019 This dataset contains the locations of bicycle shops located in the City of Toronto. This... -
Catalogue Entry: Business Incubation
The dataset comprises a list of organizations within the ecosystem that provide entrepreneurial support from business advice and mentoring to office space or shared equipment,... -
Catalogue Entry: Field Information Reports
As part of our ongoing commitment to open data, the Toronto Police Service continues to release data sets relating to completed Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection...