Catalogue Entry: Green Spaces in Toronto
Geospatial dataset of polygons that is a point-in-time generalized representation of existing parks and open spaces within the City of Toronto. Green Spaces includes public...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Topographic Mapping – Impermeable Surface
The Impermeable Surface dataset is a 1-bit raster indicating mainly artificial structures o Pixel values of 0 indicate impermeable land o Pixel values of 1 indicate permeable...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Topographic Mapping – Edge of Road
Polygon layer representing the physical area of the City’s street system. Part of the City’s topographic mapping products, the data is collected from high resolution aerial... -
Catalogue Entry: Topographic Mapping – Physical area of parking lots
Polygon layer representing the physical area of parking lots. Part of the City’s topographic mapping products, the data is collected from high resolution aerial photography. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Topographic Mapping – Physical area of sidewalks
Polygon layer representing the physical area of sidewalks. Part of the City’s topographic mapping products, the data is collected from high resolution aerial photography. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Topographic Mapping – Physical location of trees
Point layer representing the physical location of trees. Part of the City’s topographic mapping products, the data is collected from high resolution aerial photography. The data... -
Catalogue Entry: Topographic Mapping – Treed Area
Polygon layer representing the physical area of trees. Part of the City’s topographic mapping products, the data is collected from high resolution aerial photography. The data... -
Catalogue Entry: Topographic Mapping - Poles
Topographic mapping includes features that are visible on the ground (planimetric), or can be derived from photogrammetric measurements. The pole dataset is broken down into the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Pedestrian Network
The Pedestrian Network (pednet) was created by the DAV team at the City of Toronto, and it is based on the sidewalk inventory from Transportation Services, Toronto road... -
Catalogue Entry: Web Map Services
The following published OGC compliant WMTS services facilitate access to live geospatial data from the City of Toronto. All WMTS services are in Web Mercator projection....-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Centreline (TCL)
The Toronto Centreline is a data set of linear features representing streets, walkways, rivers, railways, highways and administrative boundaries within the City of Toronto. Each...