The Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic and Pacific) has collected marine survey field records on marine expeditions for over 50 years. This release makes available the...
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Radiocarbon dates are derived from organic samples collected through marine and coastal expeditions of the Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic and Pacific. These efforts were...
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Grain size is the most fundamental physical property of sediment, and these data are widely used in a variety of applications in science. Marine expeditions of the Geological...
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Photographs of the seabed have been collected during marine expeditions of the Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic and Pacific for over 50 years. Typically, a sequence of 10 to...
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The joint Natural Resources Canada/Department of Fisheries and Oceans Marine Spatial Planning Program requires the highest resolution marine based bathymetric elevation data and...
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Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 2000. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available...
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Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 1980. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available...
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Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 1990. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available...
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Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This serie is composed of 4 earthquake datasets. Each dataset contains the earthquakes grouped by decade; 1980-1989,...
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Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 2010. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available...
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The National Hydro Network (NHN) focuses on providing a quality geometric description and a set of basic attributes describing Canada's inland surface waters. It provides...
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The marks left in the seabed by the commercial anchoring process can be seen as linear features in high-resolution multibeam bathymetry data. These features have been digitized...
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The “Agro-Pedological Atlas of Quebec” is a dataset that shows the characteristics, the fertility, the quality of the water regime, the vulnerability to degradation and the...
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The ‘Land use allocation to Soils and Landforms by year’ dataset links agricultural land use activities to soils and landscapes within Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) polygons....
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CanVec contains more than 60 topographic features classes organized into 8 themes: Transport Features, Administrative Features, Hydro Features, Land Features, Manmade Features,...
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The manmade features of the CanVec series include dams, protection structures (breakwater, dike/levees), liquid storage facilities (basin, swimming pool, etc.), tanks,...
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The resource management features of the CanVec series include power lines, communication lines, pipelines, valves, petroleum wells, wind-operated devices, transformer stations,...
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The elevation features of the CanVec series include the elevation contours and elevation points. These entities are used to describe the relief of the Canadian Landmass. The...
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The hydrographic features of the CanVec series include watercourses, water linear flow segments, hydrographic obstacles (falls, rapids, etc.), waterbodies (lakes, watercourses,...
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The land features of the CanVec series contains landscape features of Canada such as islands, shoreline delineation, wooded areas, saturated soil features, landform features...
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