Catalogue Entry: Pandemic Era Changes in Federal Corrections Age Structures
The composition of the correctional population as it relates to different age groups provides for emerging challenges and specific rehabilitative needs relative to various age...-
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Catalogue Entry: A Qualitative Study of Ethnocultural Offender Correctional Experiences:...
Ethnocultural offenders constitute a heterogeneous group united by strong motivations to participate in and benefit from correctional programs and services.. In Canada, research...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: In-Custody Indicators among Women
This summary focuses on results for women. It is important to identify differences as they can inform CSC of areas for further examination and action to support a diverse...-
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Catalogue Entry: Aboriginal Women: Profile and Changing Population
Examinations over a ten-year period demonstrate that Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women differ on many indicators of correctional outcomes and that First Nations and Métis...-
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Catalogue Entry: Women Offenders, Substance Use, and Behaviour
Although four-in-five women offenders in Canada have substance use problems, little research has focused on the variability in their substance use and its relationship to...-
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Catalogue Entry: A Review of the Women Offender Risk/Need Research: In Search of...
Correctional agencies worldwide are adopting women-centered philosophies grounded in the assumption that women are different than their male counterparts. A review of research...-
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Catalogue Entry: Experiences at Men's CSC-operated Healing Lodges: A Qualitative Examination
Healing Lodges are environments that use Indigenous values, traditions, and beliefs to offer culturally-relevant services and programs for Indigenous offenders. The goal of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Relationship between Lenght of Incarceration and Recidivism
There is considerable debate in the literature regarding the link between sentence length and recidivism. Consistent with a specific deterrence perspective, some research...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ethnocultural Offenders: An Initial Investigation of Social History...
Little research specific to federally-sentenced ethnocultural offenders exists and, of what does exist, none has focused on offenders’ social history. Social history – which...-
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Catalogue Entry: Profile of Aboriginal Men Offenders: Custody and Supervision Snapshots
Although Aboriginal offenders are often examined as one ethnic group, First Nations, Métis and Inuit offenders have distinct traditions, cultures and world views. In addition,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Indigenous Intervention Centres: Profile of Participants
In collaboration with the Indigenous Initiatives Directorate, this study represents the first phase of research examining the impacts of IICs on the progress and outcomes of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Processing Offender Grievances in Canadian Federal Corrections
Improved efficiencies and increased capacity have dramatically reduced the backlog of offender grievances at the final level.-
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Catalogue Entry: Offender Complaints and Grievances in Canadian Federal Corrections
Offender complaints and grievances being received have declined across all levels and priority in federal corrections.-
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Catalogue Entry: Comparing Federal Men Admissions and Custody Profiles: 2020-21
Statistics Population profiles of federally sentenced men will yield different pictures depending on whether they are based on admissions drawn over a period time or an in-...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: Population Trends
The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has an ethnoculturally diverse offender population. Study 1 of a three-part study examined diversity trends over an 11-year period in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shifting Age Structure in Federal Custody: 2009-10 and 2019-20
The age structure of an incarcerated population establishes potential for future growth of specific age groups, as well as the total in-custody population. Younger inmates...-
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Catalogue Entry: Major Offence and Sentences of Federal Offenders in Custody: 2020
Indigenous men and women are serving more sentences in federal custody for violent offences than non-Indigenous.-
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Catalogue Entry: Indigenous Federal Admissions and Release: 2000-01 to 2019-20
Over the past twenty years, there has been a steady increase in the number of Indigenous offenders under federal jurisdiction [from 3,058 at year-end in 2000-01 to 6,027 in...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2021-22 Departmental Results Report
This report features the results achieved by CSC, and informs Canadians of the work undertaken to rehabilitate and safely reintegrate offenders back into communities while...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2011-2012 Departmental Performance Report (DPR)
CSC achieves its public safety goals by effectively managing institutions of different security levels, supervising offenders on various forms of conditional release, and...-
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