This service shows the percentage of population aged 25 to 64 years in private households with a postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree by census division, 2016. The data...
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This service shows the average owner estimated value of dwelling for Canada by 2016 census subdivision. The data is from the Census Profile, Statistics Canada Catalogue no....
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This service shows the proportion of commuters using sustainable transportation for Canada by 2016 census subdivision. The data is from the data table Main Mode of Commuting...
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This service shows the proportion of average total income of households which is spent on shelter costs by census division. The data is from the Census Profile, Statistics...
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This service shows the ratio of persons aged 0 to 14 and 65 and over (children and seniors) versus persons aged 15 to 64 (working-age) by census subdivision. The data is a...
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This service shows the proportion of commuters using sustainable transportation for Canada by 2016 census division. The data is from the data table Main Mode of Commuting (10),...
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This service shows the predominant mother tongue in each census subdivision based on English, French or non-official language. The data is from the data table Mother Tongue...
File available for download in the following formats:
This service shows the predominant mother tongue in each census division based on English, French or non-official language. The data is from the data table Mother Tongue (10),...
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This service shows the percentage of population aged 25 to 64 years in private households with a postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree by census subdivision, 2016. The...
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This service shows the average owner estimated value of dwelling for Canada by 2016 census division. The data is from the Census Profile, Statistics Canada Catalogue no....
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This service shows the proportion of average total income of households which is spent on shelter costs by census subdivision. The data is from the Census Profile, Statistics...
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This service shows the ratio of immigrants who arrived between 2001 and 2016 to immigrants who arrived before 2001, by census subdivision, 2016. The data is a custom extraction...
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This service shows the ratio of immigrants who arrived between 2001 and 2016 to immigrants who arrived before 2001, by 2016 census division. The data is a custom extraction from...
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This service shows the percentage of the population who reported an Aboriginal identity by census division. The data is from the Census Profile, Statistics Canada Catalogue no....
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This service shows the percentage of population, excluding institutional residents, with knowledge of English and French for Canada by 2016 census subdivision. The data is from...
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This service shows the median after-tax income of lone parent families in 2015 for Canada by 2016, census subdivision. The data is from the data table Household Income...
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This service shows the ratio of persons aged 0 to 14 and 65 and over (children and seniors) versus persons aged 15 to 64 (working-age) by census division. The data is a custom...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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Drought is a deficiency in precipitation over an extended period, usually a season or more, resulting in a water shortage that has adverse impacts on vegetation, animals and/or...
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