4,612 catalogue entries found

Licenses: Open Government Licence - Canada Domain / Topic: Geoscientific Information

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  • Catalogue Entry: Break-up of Sea Ice

    The typical retreat of the sea ice cover from the late winter to late summer is shown on this map. Sea ice is any form of ice that is found at sea and has originated from the...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Protected Areas through Time

    A protected area is a geographically defined area that is designated, regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives. Canada has a long history of...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Protected Areas

    Protected areas are composed of land, freshwater and marine areas set aside through legislation to protect representative examples of Canada’s ecosystems. They are created and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Major Volcanoes

    There are many geologically active volcanoes along the Canadian Cordillera in British Columbia and the Yukon. Recurrent earthquakes below our feet and gigantic mountain ranges...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Tsunamis

    A tsunami is a sea wave or series of waves produced by large disturbances of the sea floor that are of relatively short duration. Such disturbances cause the water column to...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Storm Surge

    Storm surges occur in coastal areas when strong onshore winds and low atmospheric pressure during passing storms raise water levels along the shore above predicted levels. Storm...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Space Weather - Telluric Activity Zones

    The magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the electromagnetic environment of the solar system. The disturbed interplanetary environment changes the conditions of the...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Space Weather - Geomagnetic Activity Zones

    The magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the electromagnetic environment of the solar system. The disturbed interplanetary environment changes the conditions of the...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Major Tornadoes

    Tornadoes are columns of air that spin at a high rate of speed. They are small in scale but can be very violent. The area affected by a tornado's passage is between about 40 and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Major Hurricanes that Affected Canada

    « Hurricane » is one of the names given to a tropical storm whose winds revolve around a center of low pressure called the eye, at a minimum speed of 120 kilometres per hour. At...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Major Hailstorms

    Hail is precipitation consisting of ice pellets with a diameter of 5 millimetres or more. Hailstorms can occur anywhere in Canada. The most common period when hailstorms occur...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Major Avalanches

    Avalanches are a mass movement of snow and ice down a hillside. They occur when unique circumstances of climate and topographic factors come together. This maps shows major...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Major Landslides Causing Fatalities

    Landslides are the downslope movements of sediment and rock. They can be found in any part of Canada, even in areas with very little relief. They happen in bedrock or in loose...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Significant Earthquakes and Seismic Hazard

    An earthquake is the rapid shaking of the Earth’s surface that follows the sudden release of energy within the Earth. They are most commonly caused by movements along the edges...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Surficial Materials

    Most unconsolidated materials covering the Canadian landmass have glacial origins. Some sediments were entrained by glaciers and deposited at a distance without being sorted....
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  • Catalogue Entry: Shield Physiographic Regions

    This map shows the location of the Shield physiographic regions. The Shield is divided into five great regions: Kazan Region, Davis Region, Hudson Region, James Region and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Physiographic Regions

    Canada’s landscape is very diversified and comprises several distinctive areas, called physiographic regions, each of which has its own topography and geology. The physical...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Borderlands - Interior Plains Physiographic Region

    This map shows the location of the Interior Plains physiographic region. The Interior Plains occupy the region between the Shield on the east and the mountains of the...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Borderlands - Eastern Physiographic Regions

    This map shows the location of the eastern physiographic regions which include the Appalachian Region and the St. Lawrence Lowlands.
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  • Catalogue Entry: Borderlands - Cordilleran Physiographic Region

    This map shows the location of the Cordilleran physiographic region. The Cordilleran Region is divided into three large linear zones called the Eastern System, the Interior...
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