Catalogue Entry: Purchasing power parities of gross domestic product, Organisation for...
Annual data for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, national currency per Canadian dollar. -
Catalogue Entry: Ratios of real consumption per habitat in the United States compared with...
Indexes of real expenditure per capita in the United States relative to those in Canada for categories of gross domestic income (GDI), Canada=100, on a System of National... -
Catalogue Entry: Ratios of real consumption per capita in the United States compared with...
Indexes of real expenditure per capita in the United States relative to those in Canada for categories of gross domestic income (GDI), Canada=100, on an International Comparison... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian undergraduate tuition fees by field of study (current dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time Canadian undergraduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting institutions. -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian graduate tuition fees by field of study (current dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time Canadian graduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting institutions. -
Catalogue Entry: International undergraduate tuition fees by field of study (current dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time international undergraduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting... -
Catalogue Entry: International graduate tuition fees by field of study (current dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time international graduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting institutions. -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian and international tuition fees by level of study (current dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees for full-time Canadian and international undergraduate and graduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian students additional compulsory fees by level of study
Weighted average additional compulsory fees for full-time Canadian undergraduate and graduate students. These fees apply to all Canadian students, regardless of the field of... -
Catalogue Entry: Undergraduate tuition fees, Canadian students, by selected standard...
Weighted average tuition fees for full-time Canadian undergraduate students by selected standard geographic areas and by field of study. Data are collected from all publicly... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian students, tuition and additional compulsory fees, by level of study
Weighted average tuition and additional compulsory fees for full-time Canadian undergraduate and graduate students. Additional compulsory fees apply to all Canadian students,... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian undergraduate tuition fees by field of study (constant dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time Canadian undergraduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting institutions. -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian graduate tuition fees by field of study (constant dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time Canadian graduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting institutions. -
Catalogue Entry: International undergraduate tuition fees by field of study (constant dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time international undergraduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting... -
Catalogue Entry: International graduate tuition fees by field of study (constant dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees by field of study for full-time international graduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting institutions. -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian and international tuition fees by level of study (constant dollars)
Weighted average tuition fees for full-time Canadian and international undergraduate and graduate students. Data are collected from all publicly funded Canadian degree-granting... -
Catalogue Entry: Status of Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loans received by...
Status of Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loans received by businesses or organizations, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment... -
Catalogue Entry: Reasons business or organization does not plan to use artificial...
Reasons business or organization does not plan to use artificial intelligence (AI) in producing goods or delivering services over the next 12 months, by North American Industry... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian international merchandise trade by industry for all countries, inactive
Canadian International merchandise trade data grouped by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes of the 2017 NAICS structure version 2. The detailed NAICS... -
Catalogue Entry: Average business enterprise in-house research and development expenditures,...
This table contains 225 series, with data for years 2014 - 2015 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following...