Catalogue Entry: Certification, continuation and discontinuation rates of newly registered...
Data are also available for median age at registration and certification and median time to certification and discontinuation. Data are available on select trades and cohorts of... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian government finance statistics for individual municipalities and...
Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet data for individual municipalities and other local public administrations, annual, as... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian classification of functions of government for individual...
Canadian classification of functions of government (CCOFOG) for individual municipalities and other local public administrations, annual, as reported by municipalities (dollars... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian government finance statistics for individual municipalities and...
This table contains Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet data for individual municipalities and other local public... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian classification of functions of government for individual...
This table contains Canadian classification of functions of government (CCOFOG) for individual municipalities and other local public administrations, annual (dollars x 1,000). -
Catalogue Entry: Business and government ownership of residential properties, by legal type...
Data on the number and assessment value of residential properties owned by businesses and governments, by property type, legal type and industry. -
Catalogue Entry: Residency participation of residential properties, by property type and...
Residential property estimates by geography, property type, period of construction and residency participation. -
Catalogue Entry: Building construction price indexes, relative importance, annual
Building construction price indexes (BCPI), relative importance by type of building. Annual weights are available from 2017. -
Catalogue Entry: Building construction price indexes, relative importance by census...
Building construction price indexes weights by census metropolitan area. Annual weights are available from 2017. -
Catalogue Entry: New condominium apartment price indexes, by census metropolitan area
New condominium apartment price index (NCAPI) by census metropolitan area. Quarterly data are available from the first quarter of 2017. The table presents data for the most... -
Catalogue Entry: New condominium apartment price index, relative importance, annual
New condominium apartment price indexes (NCAPI), relative importance by census metropolitan area. Annual weights are available from 2017. -
Catalogue Entry: Building construction price indexes, by type of building and division
Building construction price indexes (BCPI) by type of building and construction division. Quarterly data are available from the first quarter of 1981. The table presents data... -
Catalogue Entry: Difficulty of obstacles when exporting or attempting to export goods or...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific obstacles to exporting or attempting to export goods or services were not at all difficult, somewhat difficult, difficult, very... -
Catalogue Entry: Import of goods or services, by industry and enterprise size
Percentage of enterprises that imported goods or services from a business operating outside Canada to resell them “as-is”, use them in production of other goods or services, or... -
Catalogue Entry: Purchase of goods or services, by industry and enterprise size
Percentage of enterprises that purchased goods or services, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise size, based on a one-year observation... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for purchasing goods or services from unaffiliated...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for purchasing goods or services from unaffiliated foreign businesses were not at all important, somewhat important,... -
Catalogue Entry: Export of goods or services, by industry and enterprise size
Percentage of enterprises that exported and did not export goods or services outside Canada, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise size,... -
Catalogue Entry: Sales of goods or services to another business inside Canada that then...
Percentage of enterprises that sold goods or services to another business in Canada that then exported these goods or services "as-is", or used the goods as intermediate inputs... -
Catalogue Entry: Mixed modes of import, export and sales of goods or services by industry and...
Percentage of enterprises that had mixed modes of import of goods or services, direct export of goods or services, and sales of goods or services that were then exported "as-is"... -
Catalogue Entry: Presence of multinational organizations among competitors in the main...
Percentage of enterprises for which multinational organizations were among competitors in the main geographical market, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)...