14 catalogue entries found

Licenses: Open Government Licence - Canada Owner: Parks Canada | Parcs Canada Publisher Email: brenda.shepherd@pc.gc.ca

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  • Catalogue Entry: Mammals - Jasper

    Motion-detection cameras are a cost-effective and non-invasive tool used in Jasper National Park for sampling mammal populations and estimating species occurrence. Occupancy...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Amphibians - Jasper

    Amphibians around the world are in decline and this has led to many international initiatives to monitor and catalog amphibian biodiversity. The western toad (Bufo boreas) found...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Swallows - Jasper

    Bank swallows (Riparia riparia) and Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) have been listed as Threatened species by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Forest Birds - Jasper

    Birds are the most diverse of land vertebrates and are an important indicator of ecosystem health. Large protected areas, such as Jasper National Park, provide important habitat...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Area burned - Jasper

    Forest fires can provide positive effects on forest ecosystems, such as controlling the spread of detrimental insects, maintaining diverse habitats, and the recycling of...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Common nighthawk -Jasper

    Common nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) inventory supports Jasper National Park’s Multi-species Action Plan. Common nighthawks are a Threatened Species protected under the Federal...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Black swift - Jasper

    Black swift (Cypseloides niger) have been listed as an Endangered Species by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). In Jasper National Park,...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Invasive plants - Jasper

    Invasive plants can reduce biodiversity and compromise ecosystem function by out-competing native species, altering nutrient cycling, destabilizing soils and causing erosion,...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Alpine Birds - Jasper

    Birds adapted to alpine ecosystems are often sensitive to habitat and climate changes because of their niche specialization. For example, birds that are specialized to breeding...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Bat NATBat Ultrasound - Jasper

    Bat monitoring in Jasper National Park supports Jasper National Park’s Multi-species Action Plan and it is part of the NABat continent-wide program to estimate population trends...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Blister rust infection - Jasper

    Blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) is an introduced pathogen affecting whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis). Whitebark pine is an endangered...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Whitebark pine reforestation - Jasper

    Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) restoration supports Jasper National Park’s Multi-species Action Plan. Whitebark Pine is an Endangered Species protected under the Species at...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Athabasca glacier mass balance - Jasper

    Glaciers are an important water source in mountainous areas and significantly influence the hydrology of the watershed. Glaciers worldwide serve as indicators of climate change...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Bat Hibernacula and Maternity Roosts - Jasper

    Bat monitoring in Jasper National Park supports Jasper National Park’s Multi-species Action Plan. Survey efforts are increasingly important on account of the recent detection of...
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