The 2012 Canadian Nature Survey is part of a series of national surveys on the importance of nature to Canadians. The purpose of the survey is to provide reliable, current...
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Canada has the longest coastline in the world, measuring 243,790 kilometers. Many of our waterways along the coastline have to be dredged regularly to keep shipping channels and...
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Meteorological Observations describe datasets that contain information about weather and climate conditions as available on the City-Pages of the Environment Canada...
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Although the extent to which large-scale environmental change will affect birds that breed in arctic areas will vary among species, reduced reproductive success and population...
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Our current understanding of the factors that influence where birds nest is incomplete, yet such information is important for accurate demographic assessments. To address...
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Tributary Biomonitoring (Lower Athabasca River) Benthic macroinvertebrates, comprising insects, crusteaceans, molluscs and worms, represent a group of organisms used widely in...
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Two precipitation measurement super-sites were established in Saskatchewan in anticipation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) intercomparison initiatives for...
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The Joint Canada-Alberta Implementation Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring (Environment Canada and Alberta Environment 2012) included the initiation of new biomonitoring sites on the...
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Patterns of wet deposition of the nitrate (NO3), non-sea-salt sulfate (xSO4) and ammonium (NH4) ions across areas of Canada and the United States are based on measurements of...
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Environment Canada issues weather alerts about weather related hazards in order to notify those in affected areas so that they can take steps to protect themselves and their...
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Plant species richness, composition, and soil chemistry parameters were assessed in wetlands and uplands in the oil sands region of northern Alberta. The concentrations of...
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Assessing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and naphthenic acid concentrations in soils collected in 2012 – Field and Laboratory Assessment of Contaminants The concentrations of...
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Metals in Mallards (pooled 2013 collections) Adult male mallards were collected in 2013 in the area surrounding five Alberta communities south of the Athabasca oil sands...
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The d4PDF-WaveHs dataset represents the first single model initial-condition large ensemble (SMILE, 100-member) of historical significant ocean wave height (Hs) at a global...
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Water chemistry, 26 different metals, and polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) were measured at 21 wetland sites where studies of amphibian health are being conducted. The water...
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Shallow groundwater and the interaction of these waters with surface water in the mineable area of the Athabasca oil sands region are being examined to assess the role and...
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This database contains model output files that were used in the 2021 Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Assessment Report on Short-lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs)...
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Water quality monitoring data collected in priority tributaries to provide nutrient concentration data to estimate nutrient loads to the waters of the Great Lakes. Data is...
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Meteorological forecasts are datasets that are products of current observations and are used to predict climate conditions for a future time and given location.
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