Catalogue Entry: Alpine Non - Native Vegetation Kootenay
Kootenay National Park monitors invasive alien plants with the use of permanent, random stratified, belt transects established in the alpine. Occurrence frequency of all...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Non-Native Vegetation - Kootenay
Kootenay National Park monitors invasive alien plants with the use of permanent, random stratified, transects established in each of the three management zones, in close...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network- Kootenay
Benthic macro-invertebrate diversity, stream hydrology, water chemistry, climate, geology, and landcover are collected using a standard protocol for the assessment of stream...-
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Catalogue Entry: Kootenay_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys
Kootenay National Park samples 28 randomly selected potential amphibian breeding sites (out of possible 66) to determine presence or absence of amphibian species. Each of the 28...-
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Catalogue Entry: Kootenay_NP_Forest_Winter Wildlife Corridor Tracking
This measure is based on snow-tracking data from established snow-transects. Trends for this metric focus on wary carnivores (cougar, lynx, wolf, and wolverine) on transects...-
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Catalogue Entry: Colonial Waterbirds - Fathom Five
These fish-eating colonial waterbirds breed and nest in colonies on islands in and around Fathom Five National Marine Park. Five species of colonial waterbird are monitored....-
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Catalogue Entry: Coastal Wetland Water Quality - Fathom Five
Fathom Five National Marine Park monitors trends and exceedances in water quality index by sampling for nutrients, major ions, and metals at twelve coastal wetland sites.-
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Catalogue Entry: Lemming Populations - Aulavik
This dataset is a count of Lemming nests in Aulavik National Park. The counts are done annually in mid-July at 9 predetermined sample locations 1 ha in size. Lemmings are an...-
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Catalogue Entry: Water Quality - Aulavik
This dataset is a collection of measurements which make up two water quality indexes: Nutrients, Physical and Major Ions (NPMI) Index and Metals Index. The measurements are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Benthic Invertebrates - Aulavik
This dataset contains monitoring data for benthic invertebrate communities along the Thompson River Corridor. The raw data in this dataset is used to calculate benthic...-
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Catalogue Entry: Water Quality Simplified - Aulavik
This dataset is a simplified version of water quality measurements taken in Aulavik National Park. It is a collection of measurements which make up two water quality indexes:...-
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Catalogue Entry: Bison Abundance - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park measures the abundance of bison within a fenced enclosure in relation to targets established in the Park Management Plan.-
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Catalogue Entry: Sprague's Pipit Abundance - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park measures the abundance of Sprague's Pipit as a part of overall grassland bird point count surveys.-
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Catalogue Entry: Riparian Health Assessments - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park assesses the riparian health at 31 sample sites along the Frenchman River and Rock Creek watersheds. The overall measure is based on thirteen...-
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Catalogue Entry: Peak Flow Rate - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park monitors daily the peak flow rates of the Frenchman River and Rock Creek every year from March to August; this measure reports on the integrity of a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Chestnut-collared Longspur Abundance - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park measures the abundance of Chestnut-collared Longspur as a part of overall grassland bird point count surveys.-
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Catalogue Entry: Fire Cycle-Area Burned - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park uses the Area Burned Condition Class (ABCC) method to evaluate the ecological integrity of fire as a process on the landscape and the success of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Burrowing Owl Nest Attempts-Productivity - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park monitors the nesting attempts and productivity of burrowing owls by measuring the number of nests, number of owlets, and occupancy rate.-
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Catalogue Entry: Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Area of Occurrence - Grasslands
The Grasslands National Park monitors the area of occurrence of the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog through measuring surface area in hectares of active colonies. Monitoring provides...-
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Catalogue Entry: Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Assessment - Shrublands
The Grasslands National Park samples Sage Grouse habitat in a series of randomly located plots in upland grassland and valley grassland ecotypes within an 8 kilometer radius of...-
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