Catalogue Entry: Native Amphibians - Pacific Rim
This program captures counts of amphibian egg masses used to measure abundance and distribution trends in the breeding populations of Red-legged Frogs (Rana aurora) and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Nesting Seabird Populations - Pacific Rim
This program assesses demographic parameters and breeding abundance of 5 species of ground (burrow) nesting seabirds: Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba), Rhinoceros Auklet...-
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Catalogue Entry: Invasive Vascular Plants - Pacific Rim
This program aims to capture the extent of eradicated English Ivy (Hedera helix) and two species of invasive beachgrasses (European beachgrass/European marram grass (Ammophila...-
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Catalogue Entry: Black Oystercatcher Population – Pacific Rim
This program is used to track Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) population trend, local abundance, and annual survivorship. Bird banding, re-sighting visits and nesting...-
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Catalogue Entry: Juvenile Salmonid Populations- Pacific Rim
This program is used to determine juvenile salmonid population status and trends for Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Surveys occur annually during the first two weeks of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Fresh Water Quality - Pacific Rim
This project monitors water quality at 14 sites (streams and lakes) within the Long Beach Unit of the Park. A total of 46 water quality parameters are recorded at each site...-
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Catalogue Entry: Kelp Fish Community - Pacific Rim
This program focuses on capturing the abundance and structure of groundfish communities typical of nearshore kelp forests including Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops), Copper...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shoreline Dune Plants - Pacific Rim
This program monitors the extent of three shoreline (dune) plants that are either endangered (Pink Sand-verbena (Abronia umbellata)), threatened (Silky Beach Pea (Lathyrus...-
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Catalogue Entry: Migratory Shorebird Habitat Use - Pacific Rim
This program aims to monitor migratory shorebird abundance, distribution and use on sandy beaches of the Long Beach Unit as an Ecological Integrity condition measure and to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Old-growth Forest Extent- Pacific Rim
From the point of view of ecological integrity and the responsibility of the park to protect and maintain a biotic community naturally associated with the ecoregion, we are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Black bear and other forest mammal populations – Pacific Rim
This project aims to capture population trends by estimating absolute abundance of American Black Bears (Ursus americanus) every 2-3 years and relative abundance of three forest...-
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Catalogue Entry: Elk - Waterton Lakes - Grasslands
Elk are by far the dominant ungulate in Waterton Lakes Naitonal Park, with a population large enough to influence park ecosystems, particularly in the montane and aspen parkland...-
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Catalogue Entry: Water Quality - Waterton Lakes - Freshwater
This program, led by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), is part of a larger national program serving to describe spatial and temporal patterns in water quality on...-
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Catalogue Entry: Terrestrial Birds - Waterton Lakes - Forest
Birds are the most diverse of land vertebrates and are an important indicator of ecosystem health. Large protected areas, such as Waterton Lakes National Park, provide important...-
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Catalogue Entry: Amphibian Occupancy - Waterton Lakes - Freshwater
Amphibians are vulnerable to an array of environmental changes because of their permeable skin, a complex life history, and a dependence on moist terrestrial or wetland...-
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Catalogue Entry: Grassland Birds - Waterton Lakes - Grasslands
Long-term population data on birds can provide information on population trends, particularly for species of concern, but it can also provide information on ecosystem structure...-
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Catalogue Entry: Lake Fish Index - Waterton Lakes - Freshwater
Lakes and ponds are a significant aquatic feature in Waterton Lakes National Park. Due to the extreme topography, many of these water bodies were fishless prior to historic...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Fish Occupancy - Waterton Lakes - Freshwater
Freshwater fishes are some of the most imperiled taxa worldwide as evident by the number of threatened and endangered species. For example, the Committee on the Status of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Multi-Species Mammal Occupancy - Waterton Lakes - Forest
Motion-detection cameras are a cost-effective and non-invasive tool used in Waterton Lakes National Park for sampling mammal populations and estimating species occurrence....-
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Catalogue Entry: Sensitive Species Secure Habitat - Waterton Lakes - Forest
In Waterton Lakes National Park, grizzly bears are used as an umbrella species representing wildlife that are sensitive to human disturbance, whereas the status of secure...-
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