This is an RSS feed of all in-person engagement opportunities listed on, Government's directory of public engagement opportunities. The content spans...
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This is an RSS feed of all engagement opportunities listed in the Families and Residents category on, the B.C. government's directory of public...
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Class size information from 2006/2007 to 2023/2024. Statistics on the composition of British Columbia public school classes by Province, District, and School level; includes...
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Consolidated Satisfaction Survey dataset for alternate response items from 2001/2002 - 2015/2016. Includes all topics, grades and audiences (students, parents, teachers). These...
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Course enrolment and completion (Residents only) for all Distributed Learning schools and public schools in school years 2009/2010 to 2021/2022. Data is available here at the...
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Annual academic arts program mandatory fees for full-time domestic students at public post-secondary institutions by economic development region and by institution. Academic...
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Annual BC seafood harvest, landed value of harvest, and wholesale value of processed products, by species/product, source (wild commercial fisheries or aquaculture), and year.
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This is an RSS feed of all engagement opportunities listed in the Health and Safety category on, the B.C. government's directory of public engagement...
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Results of the Developmental Student Outcomes Survey regarding student satisfaction, usefulness of skills and employment outcomes. Data available by program grouping....
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Operating grants fund allocations for public school districts only for Fiscal Year 2011/2012. Includes data about grants to support students with unique needs (special...
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Survey results of the B.C. Apprenticeship Student Outcomes Survey regarding student satisfaction, usefulness of skills and employment outcomes. Data available by program area....
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Each year a report forecasting BC's labour market needs over the coming decade is produced by the BC government. The report looks at employment supply and demand by occupation...
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On behalf of the Province of BC and as legislated by the Public Agency Accommodation Act, Real Property Division owns and leases approximately 1,040 buildings and 215 lands in...
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The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month by census metropolitan area. This data is from 1995 onwards and includes counts for...
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The Student Learning Survey (SLS) is an annual province-wide census of Grade 4, 7, 10 and 12 students, their parents, and staff in public schools regarding their school...
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A population projection is a forecast of future population growth. BC Stats applies the Component/Cohort-Survival method to project the population. This method "grows" the...
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