Six stream riparian classes ([STREAM_CLASS] = 1-6) based on presence of fish, occurrence in a community watershed and average channel width. [STREAM_CLASS] = 7 refers to...
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Existing flood protection works appurtenances on or near dikes, for example, pump house, floodbox, culvert, gate, gauge, weir, etc. Updated from available Provincial dike survey...
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One of the spatial views of the BC WATERSHED ATLAS 50K, which is the digital basemap representation of the aquatic Man-made waterbodies, Wetlands and Double-line Rivers based on...
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Province-wide SDE spatial layer displaying water points of diversion on licensed springs, joined with licence information. This layer is an instantiation of the spatial view...
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Existing flood protection works (dikes and bank protection) crest alignment in British Columbia. Updated from available Provincial dike crest survey project data from 2019/2020....
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Spatial dataset of DRASTIC Aquifer Intrinsic Vulnerability study areas in BC, and which also serves as an index containing links to the technical summary reports stored in the...
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Province-wide SDE spatial layer displaying consumptive water licence points of diversion for drinking water systems. In the context of this layer, Drinking Water Systems means...
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BC active and discontinued hydrometric stations (surface water level and flow data) that are part of the provincial hydrometric network managed under a national program jointly...
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Province-wide SDE layer showing licensed water sources (streams and lakes), under the Water Act, (current and historical), not captured (displayed) on TRIM base mapping (or...
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Province-wide spatial view showing licensed water sources (streams and lakes), under the Water Act, (current and historical), not captured (displayed) on TRIM base mapping (or...
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Stream Centreline Network derived from 1:50,000 scale mapping. Each stream channel is represented by one or more line segments. Based on the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National...
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Spatial dataset of DRASTIC aquifer intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater for specific study areas in BC, as reported in technical summary reports which are made available...
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Contains all primary and secondary matches between 1:20K and 1:50K waterbody polygons. This attribute table links the new Freshwater Atlas watershed codes with the existing...
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