Community Health Service Area (CHSA) boundaries; 2022 boundary configuration. The CHSAs are a mutually exclusive and exhaustive classification of the land area in BC. CHSAs are...
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The grid system used in Mineral Titles Online (MTO). This grid is used to determine the location of mineral and placer cell titles in B.C. The grid is designed based on the...
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BC Parks data is available through the BC Parks API. The data contains information on provincial parks, conservation areas, and ecological reserves. This includes detailed...
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This report provides the total number of Child in Care by age groups by year and month. Children In Care were placed into the custody, care or guardianship of a director or the...
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Provides real-time access to road event information for provincial highways, including road closures, planned work and extreme weather conditions delivered according to the...
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This data set contains the number of Medical Benefits and Respite Services case files per month by Ministry of Children and Family Development Region from April 2002 to present.
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The BC Address Geocoder is a REST API that can used to resolve the physical locations of addresses and place names in British Columbia (i.e., their latitude and longitude). It...
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The BC Data Catalogue is the place to find B.C. Government data, applications and web services. Government ministries and many broader public sector agencies publish their data...
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This report provides the total number of children in care by legal category and placement type, by month, by region, by aboriginal indicator. Children in Care are children who...
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