3 catalogue entries found

Licenses: Open Government Licence - British Columbia Organizations: Government of British Columbia Publisher Email: Angeline.Tillmanns@gov.bc.ca

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  • Catalogue Entry: Aquatic Life Copper WQG Acute

    The B.C. copper water quality guideline (WQG) for the protection of aquatic life was updated in 2019 and now uses a biotic ligand model (BLM) to account for site specific...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Water Quality Guidelines of B.C.

    This spreadsheet includes all the approved, interim and working water quality guidelines for B.C. Water quality guidelines are concentrations of substances or physical...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Aquatic Life Copper WQG Chronic

    The B.C. copper water quality guideline (WQG) for the protection of aquatic life was updated in 2019 and now uses a biotic ligand model (BLM) to account for site specific...
      File available for download in the following formats:
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