A summary of registrations of changes to legal names by month and age of individual. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed for this dataset.
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This Alberta Official Statistic compares the family structure of Canadian census families in all provinces and territories for the 2011 census year. Family structure refers to...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on employment by NAICS 2, 3 and 4 digit code for Alberta and the Edmonton and Calgary census...
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Data provided by insurers, on the premiums, annuities, claims and certificates for the 2013 year. Based on reporting on the consolidated pages of the P&C-1 or Life-1 Annual...
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Table 10.1 profiles recent data for these indicators for both the local geographic area (LGA) and Alberta. The LGA indicator value is compared to the Alberta average. As a...
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The number of new motor vehicles sold. Motor vehicles include all trucks, vans, coaches and buses, minivans, sport utility vehicles, and other passenger cars.
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This data set includes total number of claims paid for personal injury compensation under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims (MVAC) program by date including total amount paid...
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Data provided by insurers, on the premiums written and claims incurred for the 2012 fiscal year. Based on reporting on the consolidated pages of the P&C-1 or Life-1 Annual...
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List of vascular plants (clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, conifers and flowering plants) documented for the province of Alberta, including native as well as some exotic...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on employment by selected NAICS industries (2, 3 & 4 Digits) in Canada and Alberta from...
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This table provides the distribution of deaths by cause of death for the local geographic area over the most recent 10-year period available. This indicator dataset contains...
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Lists well counts by year and municipal district. Well counts include total development, exploratory, evaluation and experimental wells drilled including natural gas, coalbed...
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This Alberta Official Statistic compares the labour force participation rates for both males and females in Alberta. The labour force participation rate is a measure of the...
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Contains survey data collected in support of a study conducted with members of the Edmonton Police Service and the Calgary Police Service to better understand the physical and...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on Employment Insurance (EI) program beneficiaries receiving regular income benefits by sex, age...
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Lists the number of dwelling units by year and municipality or municipal district. A dwelling unit is defined as a unit consisting of one or more rooms, intended to be used for...
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This Alberta Official Statistic describes the violent crime rates for Canada and provinces for the years from 1998 to 2014. The rate is based on the incidence of violent crime...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present Labour Force Survey Estimates, wages by National Occupational Classification (NOC) for Alberta, 12-month...
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