Catalogue Entry: Local community services centre (CLSC) for the whole province of Quebec
Here are resources Local community services centre (CLSC) for the whole province of Quebec.-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks and green spaces in the city of Saguenay Quebec
All parks and green spaces in the city of Saguenay in Quebec. -
Catalogue Entry: Parks of the City of Repentigny in Quebec
Footprint and location of the parks of the City of Repentigny in Quebec. -
Catalogue Entry: Sports and leisure facilities in the city of Sherbrooke in Quebec
Sports and leisure facilities including: arenas, slides, water games, iron and shuffleboard games, game modules, skateboard modules, ice rinks, swimming pools, multifunctional... -
Catalogue Entry: Parks and green spaces in the City of Shawinigan in Quebec
Polygonal layer of parks and green spaces maintained by the municipality of Shawinigan. -
Catalogue Entry: Large parks, district parks and public spaces in Montreal
The boroughs of the City of Montreal have more than 1,495 parks that extend over an area of more than 6,412 ha. This dataset represents all the parks and public spaces listed... -
Catalogue Entry: Material and Social Deprivation Index (Additional information) - 3
The National Material and Social Deprivation Indices (MSDI) for all Canadian Census enumeration areas (now called dissemination areas) were downloaded July 21, 2017 by CANUE...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Canada Pension Plan – Number of benefits, by benefit type and calendar year
CPP and OAS Annual Statistics Tables contain historical data on CPP and OAS, average monthly benefits and net payments in fiscal years. For a more detailed report on CPP and OAS... -
Catalogue Entry: Dénombrement des personnes en situation d’itinérance sur l’île de Montréal...
Ce rapport est le fruit du travail de nombreuses personnes qui ont œuvré au dénombrement entre octobre 2017 et mars 2019. Le comité de pilotage, dont les membres sont nommés...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Dans le Plan d’action interministériel en itinérance 2015-2020 — Mobilisés et engagés pour prévenir et réduire l’itinérance, le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux...-
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Catalogue Entry: Adults in the Basic Income Program
Statistics on adults receiving the Basic Income Program.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 03: Clients seeking financial assistance as a last resort
Statistics on clients who receive last-resort financial assistance programs and the amount of benefits paid to households.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 02: Clients in the Objective Employment Program
Customer statistics on the Objective Employment Program and the amount of basic household benefits.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 04: Clients of the basic income program
Statistics on clients in the Basic Income Program and the amount of benefits paid.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 05: Newly admitted households to social assistance programs
Statistics on households newly admitted to social assistance programs by reason of request.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 01: Clientele to social assistance programs
Statistics on the clientele providing social assistance programs and the amount of benefits paid to households.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 06: Adults in social assistance programs
Statistics on adults receiving social assistance programs.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 07: Adults in the Objective Employment Program
Statistics on adults in the Objective Employment Program.-
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Catalogue Entry: Social and community housing in the Montreal agglomeration
List of projects and/or buildings associated with social housing. Inventory built from various data sources of varying quality in the early 2000s and maintained, since then, on...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- shapefile, geography markup language, file geodatabase, esri® rest, web mapping service (wms)
Catalogue Entry: Housing subsidies for citizens
The City of Montreal administers housing subsidy programs to help citizens. These programs include the maintenance of the quality of Montreal’s residential park, providing...-
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