Catalogue Entry: Nipissing Counts 2021: A Count and Survey of Individuals Experiencing...
On Wednesday October 13, 2021 beginning at 8:00am through to October 14, 2021 at 7:59am, the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board (DNSSAB) oversaw the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Nipissing/North Bay Community Profile
The Nipissing/North Bay Community Profile, providing information on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Number of Households: Canada, Provinces and Select Metropolitan Areas
Number of households in Canada, the provinces and selected metropolitan areas from 2006–2015. This table lets housing professionals and researchers track the growth in number of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Number of Households: Canada, Provinces and Territories 1976–2036
Long-term projections for the total number of households in Canada, the provinces and territories up to the year 2036. Estimates provided for low, medium and high rates of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air passenger origin and destination, transborder portions of international...
Air passenger origin and destination data (passenger numbers, city rank), for transborder portions of international journeys, by total outbound and inbound passengers exceeding...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ottawa Community Profile
The Ottawa Community Profile, providing information on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing policy objectives and obstacles
This indicator presents a summary of the main housing policy objectives in national housing strategies, as well as obstacles faced in ensuring access to affordable housing, as...-
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Catalogue Entry: Passenger air services price index
Passenger air services price index (PASPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Annual data are available from 2006. The table presents data for the most...-
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Catalogue Entry: Passenger air services price index, percentage change
Passenger air services price index (PASPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Annual data are available from 2007. The table presents the year-over-year...-
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Catalogue Entry: Peel Region Community Profile
The Peel Region Community Profile, providing information on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Percentage of households living without indoor flushing toilet
A lack of basic sanitary amenities, such as a flushing toilet, is a measure of poor quality housing and is also considered a health risk (Eurofound, 2016). Further discussion of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Percentage of municipally owned social and affordable housing assets that is...
Percentage of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned social and affordable housing structures with barrier free design, by urban and rural and population...-
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Catalogue Entry: Percentage of publicly owned social and affordable housing assets that is...
Percentage of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned social and affordable housing assets with barrier free design structures for all provinces and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Policy instruments and level of governance
This indicator summarises the types of policy measures towards affordable housing that exist in countries that responded to the 2021, 2019 and 2016 OECD Questionnaire on...-
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Catalogue Entry: Poverty Elimination Strategy Act Baseline Report
The Poverty Elimination Strategy Act The Poverty Elimination Strategy Act became law in May of 2021. The Act requires that Prince Edward Island have a poverty elimination...-
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Catalogue Entry: Prince Albert Community Profile
The Prince Albert Community Profile, providing information on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Prince Albert Everyone Counts 2022
The 2022 Prince Albert Point-in-Time Count is supported through the Government of Canada’s Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy, as administered in Prince Albert by...-
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Catalogue Entry: Prince George Community Profile
The Prince George Community Profile, providing infomation on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Prince George Point-in-Time Homeless Count Report 2021
2021 is the third time that Prince George has participated in the National Point-in-Time Homeless Count and as with all communities engaging in PiT counts, the COVID-19 pandemic...-
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Catalogue Entry: Point-in-Time Count 2022 Thompson, Manitoba
This research was funded in part by Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy through the City of Thompson on the recommendation of the Thompson Community Advisory Board...-
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