Catalogue Entry: Province-wide public awareness surveys on domestic and sexual violence
This work includes a benchmark survey of Ontarians (wave 1: February 2015) prior to the launch of a public education campaign in March 2015, focus group sessions in four cities... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent (OCBE)
The data tracks the number of children and youth in customary care and the care of Children's Aid Societies (CAS) who are eligible for the OCBE program. This includes the number... -
Catalogue Entry: Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood...
Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood Education attainment, Canada, 2022 -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services expenditures for First Nations child...
Child Protection Services provides protection for First Nations children and youth who are at risk of, or are experiencing abuse or neglect. Child Protection Services for First... -
Catalogue Entry: Original quantitative research – Rates of out-of-home care among children in...
As a part of the public health approach to child welfare, data about children placed in out-of-home care are needed to assess population trends, understand drivers of social and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Health and social service institutions revenue and expenditures
This table contains 345 series, with data for years 1989 - 31-MAR-09 not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2009-08-28. This table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Community And Social Services Delivery Regions- Alberta
The Community And Social Services Delivery Regions dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the service delivery regions established for the Ministry of Community...-
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Catalogue Entry: 08: Adults using last-resort financial assistance
Statistics on adults receiving last-resort financial assistance programs in Quebec-
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Catalogue Entry: Mental health and substance use services BC
The HealthLink BC Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) data set includes the following: Programs that offer early intervention, transitional care or other services that... -
Catalogue Entry: Average expected useful life of new publicly owned public transit assets,...
Average expected useful life of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories. Values are presented in...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Asset management practices for municipally owned public transit assets, by...
Asset management practices for municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Asset management practices for publicly owned public transit assets,...
Asset management practices for provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Average expected useful life of new municipally owned public transit assets,...
Average expected useful life of municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. Average expected useful life...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Information system(s) usage for management of publicly owned public transit...
Information system(s) usage for management of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Information system(s) used for management for municipally owned public...
Information system(s) used for management of municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of municipally owned public transit assets by...
Distribution of physical condition rating for municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of publicly owned public transit assets by physical...
Distribution by physical condition rating of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned public transit assets.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Percentage of municipally owned public transit rolling stock assets which...
Data are available at the municipal level for all provinces and territories including the following assets: buses, streetcars, ferries, heavy railcars, commuter railcars and...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Percentage of publicly owned public transit rolling stock assets which allow...
Data are available for all provinces and territories for the following assets: buses, streetcars, ferries, heavy railcars, commuter railcars and light railcars. Values are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Community Living - Disability Support Program Nova Scotia
Number of Disability Support Program participants currently in community-based living. Community-based living includes those whose primary placement is in Alternative Family...