Catalogue Entry: Defence Research and Development Canada List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific...
Citation information for scientific and technical articles published between 2012-2019 authored or co-authored by Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) scientists....-
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Catalogue Entry: Investigation Statistics for the Canadian Armed Forces
The Canadian Armed Forces Military Police (MP) maintains an activity tracking database known as the Security and Military Police Information System (SAMPIS). This is a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Cadet Organizations- Participation Applications
The Cadet Program is a relevant, credible and proactive youth development organization, offering the program of choice for Canada’s youth, preparing them to become the leaders... -
Catalogue Entry: National Defence Program Alignment Architecture (PAA)
Having a robust Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) is a fundamental part of the Canadian Government’s policy on Management, Resources, and Results Structures (MRRS). This...-
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Catalogue Entry: National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces Document Types
This dataset describes the various documents created within DND/CAF, which have been implemented as part of the Information Management Program within GCDOCS, SharePoint,...-
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Catalogue Entry: National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces Manual of Abbreviations
This dataset contains the Manual of Abbreviations for National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), issued on authority of the Chief of Defence Staff. The aim of... -
Catalogue Entry: Percentage of land fleets that are serviceable to meet training and...
The Departmental Results Framework (DRF) is the strategic view of Defence’s mandate, displaying its Core Responsibilities and key performance information. It represents the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Lake Winnipeg Satellite-derived Daily Algal Bloom Indices
This dataset contains lake-wide algal bloom indices (extent, intensity, and severity) of Lake Winnipeg on a daily basis over the June through October monitoring season. These... -
Catalogue Entry: Lake of the Woods Satellite-derived Daily Algal Bloom Indices
This dataset contains lake-wide algal bloom indices (extent, intensity, and severity) of Lake of the Woods on a daily basis over the June through October monitoring season.... -
Catalogue Entry: Hamilton Harbour Water Quality Data
Hamilton Harbour is located at the west end of Lake Ontario. It was designated as one of 43 Areas of Concern in 1987 under the GLWQA where 11 beneficial uses of the harbour were...-
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Catalogue Entry: Great Lakes Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Data
Water quality and ecosystem health data collected in the Great Lakes and priority tributaries to determine baseline water quality status, long term trends and spatial... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian River Ice Database
River ice is a known occurrence in cold climate hydrological systems. The annual cycle of formation, growth, decay and clearance of river ice can include low flows and ice jams,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Great Lakes Sediment Monitoring and Surveillance Data
Sediment quality data from the Great Lakes collected to determine baseline status, long term trends and spatial distributions, the effectiveness of management actions, determine...-
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Catalogue Entry: Great Lakes Areas of Concern Monitoring and Surveillance Data
Water quality and ecosystem health surveillance and monitoring data collected to complete assessments of beneficial use impairments of Areas of Concern (AOCs) and to track the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Hamilton Harbour Vertical Profiling Data
Hamilton Harbour is a 2200 ha embayment located at the west end of Lake Ontario It was designated as one of 43 Areas of Concern in 1987 under the GLWQA where 11 beneficial uses... -
Catalogue Entry: Land cover mapping of the St. Lawrence Lowlands
Since 1988, the governments of Canada and Quebec have been working together to conserve, restore, protect and develop the St. Lawrence River under the St. Lawrence Action Plan... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada’s Energy Future 2021: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2050
Canada’s Energy Future 2021: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2050 (EF2021) is the latest long-term energy outlook from the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). The Canada’s...-
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Catalogue Entry: Human resource staffing for Canadian Joint Operations Command
Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) leads most Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operations in Canada, North America, and around the world. It directs CAF missions from planning...-
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Catalogue Entry: Nutrients in Great Lakes Priority Tributaries Data
Water quality monitoring data collected in priority tributaries to provide nutrient concentration data to estimate nutrient loads to the waters of the Great Lakes. Data is... -
Catalogue Entry: Percentage of Regular Force positions that are filled
The Departmental Results Framework (DRF) is the strategic view of Defence’s mandate, displaying its Core Responsibilities and key performance information. It represents the...-
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