Catalogue Entry: Enhanced Deposition of Particulate Metals, Oil Sands Region
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has been monitoring trace metals in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the oil sands region since December 2010. Active PM2.5...-
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Catalogue Entry: Cause-Effect Monitoring Migratory Landbirds at Regional Scales, Oil Sands Region
Regional-scale monitoring focuses on understanding how and why boreal songbirds, including several Species at Risk, are affected by human activity across the Peace, Athabasca...-
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Catalogue Entry: Cause-Effect Monitoring Migratory Landbirds at Local Scales, Oil Sands Region
Local-scale projects focus on gaps in our understanding of complex response patterns at regional scales by targeting specific habitats or development features of interest....-
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Catalogue Entry: Species at Risk Migratory Landbirds, Oil Sands Region
The old-forest landbird monitoring program was initiated in 2014. Old-forest songbirds are a priority for monitoring because they can be vulnerable to habitat disturbance, and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Hourly Concentrations of AQHI Constituents, Other Selected Trace Gases, and...
Hourly values of AQHI (Air Quality Health Index) constituents (O3, NO2, PM2.5), other selected trace gases (SO2, H2S), and PM1 and PM10 mass concentrations collected at the... -
Catalogue Entry: Mainstem Water Quality - Oil Sands Region
Athabasca River (includes sites M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7 [2011-March 2018]) Water quality chemistry data for 17 sites in the lower Athabasca River (LAR), the Peace and Slave... -
Catalogue Entry: Pollutant Transformation, Ground-based Pollutant Monitoring Multi Parameters...
Long Term Air Pollutant and Meteorological Monitoring at Fort McKay’s Oski-ôtin site: Preliminary data Continuous and integrated monitoring of multiple air pollutants along with...-
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Catalogue Entry: Temperature Change in Canada – Seasonal average temperature departures...
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues.... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Wetland Inventory (CWI) ; Appalaches region
Canadian Wetlands Inventory (CWI) data for the Appalache region. Created according to the method developed by the Canadian Wildlife Service, Quebec Region. Between 2003 and... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Hemisphere Blended Snow Extent and Snow Mass Time Series
This paper presents an analysis of observed and simulated historical snow cover extent and snow mass, along with future snow cover projections from models participating in the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Alberta Precipitation Quality Monitoring Program (APQMP)
Precipitation samples are collected at a number of sites in Alberta by Alberta Environment and Parks. Samples are analyzed for select cations and anions as well as pH. Samples... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Contaminants Program - Air Quality Monitoring (NCP-AQM)
The atmospheric monitoring subcomponent of the Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) studies long-range transport of anthropogenic organic pollutants in air (AOPA), mercury, and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Sediment Core Paleo-analyses, Oil Sands Region
Sediment from Lakes Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 47 elements including numerous metals, and visible reflectance spectroscopy or VRS-chla have been determined in... -
Catalogue Entry: Wild Fish Health, Oil Sands Region
Wild fish health data (length, weight, gonad size, etc.) are now available for trout perch collected from the Athabasca and Peace Rivers; white sucker collected from the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Toxicity of azo dyes to benthic invertebrates
Azo dyes are synthetic compounds used as industrial colorants, and some are predicted to be inherently toxic, bioaccumulative, and/or persistent based upon their chemical... -
Catalogue Entry: Phosphorus Dynamics and Availability in the Nearshore of Eastern Lake Erie:...
Blooms of filamentous benthic algae that plagued Lake Erie in the 1950s through 1970s were largely reduced through reductions of phosphorus (P) loading from point sources. Since... -
Catalogue Entry: Honey Harbour and Tadenac Bay Water Quality 2013 to 2016
Off shore waters of Georgian Bay rarely experience excessive nutrient concentrations however, small embayments such as Honey Harbour, North and South Bay have experienced oxygen... -
Catalogue Entry: Nutrient Concentrations at the Bay of Quinte (Ontario) for August 26, 2015
The Bay of Quinte is a long and narrow "Z" shaped inlet located on the northern shore of Lake Ontario. The bay and the surrounding drainage basin were listed as an Area of... -
Catalogue Entry: Treatment of oil sands process-affected waters using a pilot-scale hybrid...
Constructed wetland treatment systems (CWTSs) could provide a passive, low-energy strategy for mitigating risks associated with oil sands process-affected waters (OSPWs). Due to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Hamilton Harbour AOC Sediment Exposure to Fathead Minnow
This dataset contains the growth and survival data for Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) exposed to sediment from twelve sites within the Hamilton Harbour Area of Concern, as...