Catalogue Entry: Information requests from the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY)
The total number of requests for information made by the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY) to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services' Access and Privacy... -
Catalogue Entry: Student financial assistance
The 2021 to 2022 Canada Student Financial Assistance Program Statistical Review provides detailed data on grants, loans, repayment assistance, and other program statistics (e.g....-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program by Ministry Region
The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month by region. This data is from 1997 and assumes existing regions for all historical data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Refugee Housing
Agencies that offer safe shelter and transitional housing programs to assist refugee claimants 16+ with their integration into Canadian society. Taxonomoy-based search of...