The Duck Lake (Saskatchewan) Geolysimeter precipitation intercomparison data are from a co-located precipitation gauge and deep groundwater observation well. The data published...
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This dataset is associated with the article authored by Jacques Régnière, Lisa Venier and Dan Welsh entitled "Avian predation in a declining outbreak population of the spruce...
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We measured the foliage area, weight and number of buds on young and mature balsam fir and white spruce trees. With these measurements total amounts of foliage per tree and per...
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Citation information for peer reviewed scientific and technical articles published in 2017 and authored or co-authored by National Research Council scientists and researchers.
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Citation information for peer reviewed scientific and technical articles published in 2016 and authored or co-authored by National Research Council scientists and researchers.
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Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces corporate administrative direction is set out in the comprehensive collection of Defence Administrative Orders and...
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Cadet Program is a relevant, credible and proactive youth development organization, offering the program of choice for Canada’s youth, preparing them to become the leaders of...
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The Cadet Program is a relevant, credible and proactive youth development organization, offering the program of choice for Canada’s youth, preparing them to become the leaders...
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Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Food Services provides cost efficient and effective food services that support military activities and that meet client expectations of quality,...
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Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Food Services provides cost efficient and effective food services that support military activities and that meet client expectations of quality,...
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Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Food Services provides cost efficient and effective food services that support military activities and that meet client expectations of quality,...
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Compilation by start date of 7-day exposure periods, of the number of spruce budworm larvae exposed that were recovered and either reared to adult or received a parasitism...
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Counts of SBW larvae collected in the fall as L2 or in the following spring as L4, from 75-cm branches or 45-cm branch tips (respectively) of balsam fir in the Ottawa River...
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Cadet Program is a relevant, credible and proactive youth development organization, offering the program of choice for Canada’s youth, preparing them to become the leaders of...
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The Cadet Program is a relevant, credible and proactive youth development organization, offering the program of choice for Canada’s youth, preparing them to become the leaders...
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Citation information for peer reviewed scientific and technical articles published in 2018 and authored or co-authored by National Research Council scientists and researchers.
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Military Personnel Command (MPC) supports the requirement to release accurate and timely information to Canadians, in line with the principles of Open Government. This dataset...
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Military Personnel Command (MPC) supports the requirement to release accurate and timely information to Canadians, in line with the principles of Open Government. This dataset...
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This entry brings together more than 30-years of Canada’s energy import and export data updated on a quarterly basis. Energy import and export data for electricity, crude oil,...
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