Catalogue Entry: Social and community housing in the Montreal agglomeration
List of projects and/or buildings associated with social housing. Inventory built from various data sources of varying quality in the early 2000s and maintained, since then, on...-
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Catalogue Entry: Public Housing Units - Nova Scotia Seniors
This program provides affordable rental housing to seniors (age 58 and older) with low incomes. Rent is determined by your annual income. -
Catalogue Entry: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, average rents for areas with a...
This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (247 items: Carbonear; Newfoundland and Labrador; Corner Brook;...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Toronto - Youth Services Data
This dataset contains an Excel spreadsheet and ESRI shapefiles relating to youth services available in the City of Toronto. This data has been selected by the Youth Asset... -
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Toronto - Aboriginal Service Organizations
A spatial point file, to illustrate the location of services, provided by Aboriginal Organizations within the boundaries of the City of Toronto -
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Employment Services
Programs and resources for youth and young adults seeking employment, such as Employment Ontario programs, business and entrepreneurship assistance, apprenticeship and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Educational Support
Services that support students’ capacity to pursue educational and training programs, including academic counselling, tutoring, bridging programs, and financial support....-
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Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Financial Services
Government programs that provide a source of income and access to services for families and individuals (including newcomers) who have no other adequate source of income....-
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Catalogue Entry: Victim Services Directory
The Victim Services Directory (VSD) has been created by the Policy Centre for Victim Issues of the Department of Justice Canada to help service providers, victims and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care: Public Use Microdata File
This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care (CSELCC).... -
Catalogue Entry: CISSS and CIUSSS
Integrated health and social services centres (CISSS) and integrated university health and social services centres (CIUSSS) ensure accessibility, continuity and quality of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: entry to school program
Overview The entry to school program helps children develop school-readiness skills and provides transition supports as they enter kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time....-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: caregiver-mediated early years programs
Overview Caregiver-mediated early years programs support families with young children ages 12 months to 48 months (4 years). The programs help young children learn new skills...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: foundational family services
Overview Foundational family services are available free of charge to all families registered in the Ontario Autism Program. Foundational family services aim to give you more...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: urgent response services
Overview Eligible children and youth who are experiencing a specific, urgent need can access supports to: help stabilize the situation prevent crisis reduce the risk of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Regional offices for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Contact an office in your area to get answers to your questions about services and support for children and youth, community services, developmental services and youth justice...-
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Catalogue Entry: Children's rehabilitation services
Children’s Treatment Centres and Surrey Place in Toronto deliver a range of rehabilitation services (occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech and language pathology) to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program provider list
The Ontario Autism Program provider list is a directory of clinicians who meet the required qualifications to provide autism services through the Ontario Autism Program....-
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Catalogue Entry: Social Assistance Statistical Report: 2009-2013
Social assistance in Canada is also known as income support, income assistance, welfare and a few other program names, depending on the jurisdiction. No matter the name, all...-
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Catalogue Entry: Municipal zoning - Zones
Mapping municipal zoning boundaries.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).-
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