Catalogue Entry: Parks Cemeteries
The City of Calgary operates five cemeteries and one indoor mausoleum. -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption homestudies and homestudy waiting lists
The adoption homestudies data shows the number of homestudies completed during the fiscal year inclusive of those withdrawn, rejected and approved, conducted by a children's aid... -
Catalogue Entry: Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Program
The Ontario Women's Directorate provides grant funding to community agencies and educational facilities to deliver pre-apprenticeship training in the skilled trades and training... -
Catalogue Entry: Grants for Women's Centres
The Ontario Women's Directorate supports programs in 25 women's centres in Ontario. These programs help women develop skills and abilities to reduce their vulnerability to... -
Catalogue Entry: Microloans for women
The program trains low-income women in the skills needed to start and run a business and provides micro-loans. Data includes the following information for the 2012-2013 fiscal... -
Catalogue Entry: Neighbours, Friends and Families campaign
This campaign helps individuals recognize the signs of abuse and understand what they can do to help. Data includes a listing of the following for the 2012-2013 fiscal year:...