Catalogue Entry: Conservation Reserve Regulated in Ontario
Dataset records land set aside under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Heritage Values Areas in Ontario
Dataset of all unregulated but identified protected areas, including recommended provincial parks, conservation reserves, proposed protected areas and forest reserves. Also... -
Catalogue Entry: Trail segments in Ontario
Dataset identifies the location and types of Trail Segments which are commonly found on maps for land use planning and recreation management purposes. The dataset contains line... -
Catalogue Entry: Fishing Access Point in Ontario
Dataset records sites where anglers can access fishing locations. -
Catalogue Entry: Park Administration Zone in Ontario
Dataset records the boundaries of provincial park administration zones in Ontario. -
Catalogue Entry: Regulated Provincial Parks in Ontario
Display areas regulated under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 and managed by Ontario Parks. -
Catalogue Entry: Factors associated with the use of oral health care services among seniors in Canada
Abstract Background This study explores the link between dental insurance, income, and oral health care access among seniors (aged 65 and over) in Canada. It contributes to the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Legal Aid in Canada 2019-2020
This dataset provides national level statistics on revenues, expenditures, personnel, and caseloads from legal aid plans across Canada. Justice Canada has been producing the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Trucking in Canada
This publication presents a comprehensive overview of the Canadian trucking industry, both for-hire and private (own account). Principal information includes statistics on...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, 2005 (Preliminary)...
In 2005, the Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries generated total revenues of about $8.6 billion, fueled by strong growth in government operating and capital...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, 2004 (Preliminary)...
Although revenues were higher in 2004 compared to 2003, the Canadian bus and urban transit industries had a difficult year in 2004. Their net income dropped nearly 17% as...-
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Catalogue Entry: Surface and Marine Transport, Vol. 20, no. 3
The survey collects annual financial, operating and employment data on bus companies operating in Canada. It also includes municipalities and government agencies that operate...-
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Catalogue Entry: Surface and Marine Transport, Vol. 20, no. 2
To provide data users with a more complete picture of passengers bus and urban transit activities.-
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Catalogue Entry: Surface and Marine Transport, Vol. 19, no. 1
To provide users with a complete picture of the financial and operational activities associated with Small For-hire Motor Carriers of Freight and Owner Operators in Canada.-
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Catalogue Entry: Surface and Marine Transport, Vol. 13, no. 3
The railway industry in Canada is highly dependent on factors affecting the production of and demand for bulk commodities. Five commodities -- coal, iron ore, wheat, potash and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Results of the Annual Motor Carriers of Freight Survey of Small For-hire...
To provide users with a complete picture of the financial and operational activities associated with Small For-hire Motor Carriers of Freight and Owner Operators in Canada.-
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Catalogue Entry: Testing, infection and complication rates of COVID-19 among homeless people
The dataset described testing, infection and complication rates of COVID-19 among people with a recent history of homelessness in Ontario-
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Catalogue Entry: Child Welfare Workers and Caregivers
Since 2000, the Ontario Looking After Children (OnLAC) project has been a partnership between the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS) at the...-
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Catalogue Entry: People Experiencing Homelessness with Characteristics
People experiencing homelessness often come from time- and labour-intensive cross-sectional counts and surveys from selected samples. This study uses comprehensive...-
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Catalogue Entry: Original quantitative research – Rates of out-of-home care among children in...
As a part of the public health approach to child welfare, data about children placed in out-of-home care are needed to assess population trends, understand drivers of social and...-
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