Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Alternative Adult Education
Information on alternative schools and adult learning centres. Also includes school boards and colleges and universities. Taxonomoy-based search of 211Toronto's database. For... -
Catalogue Entry: Clothing Drop-Box Locations
This dataset provides information on the location and operators of permitted clothing drop boxes. The Clothing Drop Box by-law ensures that the public is aware of where used... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services staff survey
This data set contains results from a MCYS employee survey created in 2016 and completed by MCYS staff over two and a half weeks in April 2016. The MCYS Staff Survey contains... -
Catalogue Entry: Admissions to the Youth Justice System: Most Serious Offence
This data represents youth admissions to custody and detention facilities and community sentences. Where there are multiple offences, the most serious offence is recorded. The...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Performance of external service standards
This data set outlines when a service standard was met in relation to the targeted goal that was set for its performance. These are for specific programs and services, including... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Mental Health Court Worker Program
This program provides supports to Youth Justice Court for youth aged 12-17 with mental health needs who are in conflict with the law. Program workers establish links between the... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Opportunities Fund recipients (2013-16)
Through the Ontario Youth Action Plan, the Youth Opportunities Fund was created to support community initiatives in priority and disadvantaged neighbourhoods across Ontario.... -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption Practitioners
Contact information for adoption practitioners who are approved to conduct homestudies and supervise adoption placements. -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent (OCBE)
The data tracks the number of children and youth in customary care and the care of Children's Aid Societies (CAS) who are eligible for the OCBE program. This includes the number... -
Catalogue Entry: Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood...
Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood Education attainment, Canada, 2022 -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services expenditures for First Nations child...
Child Protection Services provides protection for First Nations children and youth who are at risk of, or are experiencing abuse or neglect. Child Protection Services for First... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care: Public Use Microdata File
This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care (CSELCC).... -
Catalogue Entry: 08: Adults using last-resort financial assistance
Statistics on adults receiving last-resort financial assistance programs in Quebec-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: origin and destination
The dataset contains trip origin, destination, commodity group, average daily trips, commodity weight and value. The data represents activity by medium and heavy trucks only....-
File available for download in the following formats: