Catalogue Entry: Community programs for youth
This dataset includes: new MCYS regions Youth Justice Services regions Service Delivery Division regions census division names census division IDs census subdivision names...-
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Catalogue Entry: Child protection concerns in a family after an investigation (English Version)
Data linked to service delivery and efficiency indicators organized by children's aid society groupings. -
Catalogue Entry: Support for victims of crime
The Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Services (VCARS) provide immediate, 24/7, on-site service to victims of crime. With a victim's consent, police will arrange for VCARS... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult non-credit second language program grants
The program provides funding to school boards for adult English as a Second Language and French as a Second Language training to newcomers. Data includes a listing of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Language Interpreter Grants
The program provides funding to community agencies that assist non-English speaking and Deaf or hard of hearing victims of: domestic violence sexual violence human trafficking...-
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Catalogue Entry: Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) clients admitted to...
The CAFAS is a clinician-administered, multidimensional scale that assesses the level of functioning impairment in children and adolescents. Data was extracted directly from... -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption homestudies and homestudy waiting lists
The adoption homestudies data shows the number of homestudies completed during the fiscal year inclusive of those withdrawn, rejected and approved, conducted by a children's aid... -
Catalogue Entry: Support services for male survivors of sexual abuse
The Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program provides individual and group counselling and a 24/7 multilingual telephone service. Services are provided by... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Justice regional offices
Data includes the locations of the 4 Youth Justice regional offices in the province. Details include: region street address building (if applicable) city postal code latitude...-
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Catalogue Entry: Feedback on information on programs and services for seniors
Public feedback submitted to the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat. The data measures public satisfaction with the information on seniors' programs and services contained in "A Guide... -
Catalogue Entry: Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program
The Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children program helps Indigenous children start a healthy life in ways that honour and respect Indigenous culture and beliefs. -
Catalogue Entry: Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Program
The Ontario Women's Directorate provides grant funding to community agencies and educational facilities to deliver pre-apprenticeship training in the skilled trades and training... -
Catalogue Entry: Registered Education Savings Plan
The data tracks how many children in customary care and the care of children's aid societies are eligible for RESPs and how many RESPs have been established for eligible... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services Student Nutrition Program sites
The Student Nutrition Program helps provide healthy breakfasts, snacks and lunches to school-age kids across Ontario. This dataset contains a list of Student Nutrition Program... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Employment Supports Management System
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Employment Supports Management System (ESMS) uses portions of the Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) dataset to facilitate... -
Catalogue Entry: Children and youth mental health: organizational and clinical data
The organizational data contains non-personally identifying information on clients referred to, served by, admitted to, and discharged from CPRI. The clinical assessment data...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services regions
This dataset includes: new MCYS regions Youth Justice Services regions Service Delivery Division regions census division names census division IDs census subdivision names... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Justice service delivery system data
The Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Youth Justice service delivery system provides community and custodial programs for youth in, or at risk of, conflict with the law,... -
Catalogue Entry: Victim Support Line (information and referral component)
The Victim Support Line (VSL) is a multilingual telephone service that provides information for victims of crime about services available throughout Ontario. The support line is...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Family Court Support Worker Program statistical reporting
The Family Court Support Worker Program provides support to victims of domestic violence who are involved in the family court process. Services include: providing information...-
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