Catalogue Entry: Planning Act approval authority: municipalities and planning boards
Find your planning approval authority. Municipalities create official plans that set out general planning goals and policies to guide future land use. They also pass zoning by-... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Builds: key infrastructure projects
This is a sample of key infrastructure projects happening in Ontario. Projects will be added and updated on an ongoing basis. The dataset includes: - project name - category -... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Trail Survey 2014
Dataset contains trail users information, such as amount of time spent in trails and amount of money spent during trail use. -
Catalogue Entry: Picnic Parks in Ontario
This dataset shows MTO managed/maintained picnic park locations. It was created as part of the Digital Cartographic Reference Base (DCRB) for the production of Official Road Map... -
Catalogue Entry: Child and youth mental health services
Publicly funded child and youth mental health services across the province including: child and youth mental health agencies child and youth mental health services offered...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Employment Training for Abused and At-risk Women
The program helps women who have experienced abuse or are at risk of abuse to develop new skills, find employment, and achieve economic security. It is delivered through... -
Catalogue Entry: Alternative dispute resolution
ADR is a strategy to streamline court processes and encourage alternatives to court. It focuses on a more strengths-based, inclusive and collaborative approach to resolving... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) employee survey results
This data set contains results from a MCYS employee survey created in 2012 and fielded to MCYS staff for approximately two weeks in January and February of 2013. The 2013 MCYS... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services minor capital investments- By program
Data set identifies minor capital investments provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to community transfer payment agencies to renew and renovate capital assets... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services minor capital investments - By Region
Data set identifies minor capital investments provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to community transfer payment agencies to renew and renovate capital assets... -
Catalogue Entry: Information requests from the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY)
The total number of requests for information made by the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY) to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services' Access and Privacy... -
Catalogue Entry: Sexual Assault Centres statistical reporting
The Sexual Assault Centre program provides crisis support and intervention services to victims of sexual assault, abuse and/or incest survivors. Services include: accompanying a... -
Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship regional office by provincial region
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Number of secondary trust accounts for property guardianship clients
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Number of property guardianship clients by regional office
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship for incapable adults: New and closed property...
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship clients compared to provincial population
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship client by age and gender
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) privacy breaches
A privacy breach occurs when personal information is collected, retained, used or disclosed in ways that are not in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of... -
Catalogue Entry: Soldiers’ Aid Commission expenses
The Soldiers’ Aid Commission provides financial assistance to Ontario’s eligible Second World War and Korean War veterans and their families. Under the Agencies and Appointments...